Thursday, May 31, 2007

war on us - unabreviated version - continued


The following article was a flow that occurred on Friday, May 25, 2007 entitled : Treachery of a Local Indian Journalist that I typed frantically from …. Until 11.58pm for it to go on air at 12midnight as I had my dear friend Rud waiting (I don’t know) but I know that wani of the STAR said that she’ll view it (perhaps) after her tamil serial on the telly that she said she was watching because she was at peace with herself (is it? on).

Guess What? I’ve been checking by blogsite everyday but using a silly mistake its suppose to be but I’ve been typing it as Hence I could not find my sites and thought they were hacked and removed. Little did I know that this one remained but with a little twist, the text were missing and my title that I named “AMARAVATHY OSHO LOVER” is now “AMARARAVATHY OSHO LOVER” all accompanying text missing…you tell me what’s happening. I HAVE BEEN HACKED AND MY ARTICLE REMOVED. Why would someone hack into my blogsite, I am just a-frail-looking-soft-voiced-big-hearted-strong-gazed-powerful-women-that-would-be-40-in-July-and-from-that-god-forsaken-town-of-Kuala-Pilah, actually god-filled-as-nature-is-still-intact.

Mr. Subramanian, is it you or your disciples? Have you got a hit list? Am I on it? Why are you doing this Mr. Subramaniam? Is it you Mr. Subramaniam? IS THIS YOU MR. SUBRAMANIAM? I am laughing as I am typing this thinking about the same article that I am going to feature here… I am a Sherlock Holms, I’ve read all his stories and I know what to do? I am going to drag you sorry-fat-ass across the streets outside Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita, Jalan Memanda 1, Poskod 68000, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur as this is my second home now. I am taking you to task Mr. Subramaniam…actually I already have…where are you hiding? In a little hole at the back of your hosue? Or is it a black home now…

Do you know what a black hole is? Wow! It’s an amazing phenomenon…I want to know what’s at the other end of the tunnel (dark hole). Mr. Bush do you know? OSHO KNEW YOU IDIOT! He would have taken me there or thought me about it…DID YOU KILL HIM? How much of your budget money have you spent on this? You could have spent it on plugging my ROOF you know. My ROOF IS ALSO YOUR ROOF MR. Bush…its our Sky. I am thinking so hard (almost 1 full minute) … what have you done for a compliment? I want to give you a compliment…but what ah!

Back to our issue with Mr. Subramaniam, you made me feel my heart in your 7-DTJ Program but you took it away in your DK2, where are you hiding it? I want it back. Baskaran are you keeping it? Please return it or I will get Ms. Parames (Dr. Sundari’s best friend) to sue your ass.

Actually, what’s my relationship with OSHO. I think – I must confess – that he’s the only one I will allow to touch my body. Ha1Ha! My bed is filled with his photos (actually the other single bed in Hotel Palm Inn above the REstoran nasi Kandar Pelita in the vicinity of Ampang Point, Kuala Lumpur). OSHO is my companion as I have many fears…I fear…please read my article entitled “MY FLAGITIOUS LIFE 1”. OSHO IS ALSO MY NOTEBOOK – the only friend I have chosen to have in this dark and illuminating period of my life (it used to be dark and desolate period but now it has changed). OSHO IS ALSO my body, anyway, anything that I love, I NAME OSHO. Thank YOU FOR EVERYTHING MY BELOVED OSHO. I wish I have met you, ha!ha! I have..take that President Bush. He’s with me now. He is my GURU who thought me all that I know and more about EXISTENCE and ME and YOU and ALL and PRESIDENT BUSH..shall I go on Mr. President? Mr. President, shall I continue? SHALL I PROCEED MR. PRESIDENT?


Actually there are about 30 people at the Restaurant Nasi Kandar Pelita. Your black suited and ray banned thugs can’t get me here… we will all run amok (amok is a Malaysian word..learn from us) after you with parangs, daggers and knives and also chairs (me esp.).

THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON AT AREA 51…who can tell us? I have a feeling that its not good…they are doing something menacing…and we need to stop them…who can help me…an abused(?)/Indian/little-looking-women/from-the-god-forsaken-town-of-kuala-pilah…actually it’s full of god because nature is still intact…

Anyway, AREA 51 is in the god-forsaken-desert of NEVADA, USA. I say god-forsaken-desert because there are no plants there. However I believe that desert is also part of existence, hence I will not call Nevada god-forsaken anymore…apparently I can’t do that because it is god-forsaken because of AREA &^*, GOD HAD LEFT THAT AREA.. oohhhaaahhhh! I am getting scared.. this is scary. I am pretending to laugh because this one is sending shivers down my spine, bony ass, thighs and legs. I look very solemn now.

They have a 55km perimeter of security features, including high fencing/cameras/spotlights/etc…watch discovery/national geography more or meditate and try astral traveling …wish OSHO was alive to teach us…is this why you killed him… jerk! I am here now…ask me…I think I need to run out to the rakyats (malay term for citizens) of Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita (It’s a restaurant that sells nasi kandar (find out..I am wondering how you’re going to find out because if I don’t know nobody knows…so nasi=rice and kandar=is a special term). You black suited men wont be able to touch me here…Do you know there were researches with powerful cameras and video cams around the fencing to find out what these fuckers were up to…army trucks are always seen in and out but nothing can be seen because it is all underground…they have smelly and nasty skeletons to hide in their cupboards if they are this secretive isn’t it…the moment outsiders are spotted…they come with their machine guns and army trucks to intimidate and chase...wonder how many people they killed…must interview their families…as if we know them…I WILL FIND OUT and drag your sorry ass on the streets outside Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita.

Actually I can’t write anymore because I am scared and just the thought of AREA 51 gives me the creeps and turns my heart cold. I live in my heart and I feel…very sensitive-lah! As such I feel it in my bones that there’s something sinister going on there, I have pictures flashing across my mind from various Hollywood movies that mess human minds/bodies/soul…am really scared…stopped all work for today. Un-relentless voice in my head just

I can see 2 beautiful-middle-aged-well-dressed-big-tits-women (not as big as mine…fucker baskaran, you only like ass it is? Gay or what? Oh!oh! just realized, maybe you like tiny tits?) of em smoking away. Malaysia is a mix of rojak, colourful, vibrant and very, very, delicious… have you tried rojak, come to Pelita, yummy! I am Osho’s lover ma (Chinese colloquial way of talking..finally I got the spelling right, read my other articles and you’ll know how good I am with spellings?!@).

Dei…did you kill president KENNEDY… dei (die) Bush…did you kill OSHO? And Kennedy? Why? And people in NASA who wanted to come clean about your planetary projects? Did your presidency actually land on moon? Is that why you killed Kennedy? I heard that your moon landing was a simulation in your god-forsaken-desert-of-8r32847q38947. If only I had OSHO with me right now? I had the photos as evidence with me…(baskaran fucker, give me back my files..its marked personal you idiot) now. Anyway do you know that one of the photos had a reflection of the photographer…mana ada cahaya di bulan…vacuum-mah! (direct translation: where got light in moon…its vacuum!)? Dei… Bush give me the photos that Mr. Armstrong took on the moon in 2nd July1967 – is it? I was born in 18 July 1967, otherwise I would have followed them like Sherlock Holms…I love the intelligence of that man…wish I had met (f<>*&*) him.

Whats with this jews and Israel uh! Why can’t you all give that small piece of land to the poor ppl of Palestine…stingy like my sisters valar and van is it? Please read my article entitled ‘My Flagitious Life Part 1 for more information on my twin sisters Valarmathy d/o Sivalingam and Vanmathy (now Vannmathy) d/o Sivalingam (a spineless coward who hides behind my ma’s ass…sorry…very sorry!

Why so stingy…who is their main man now…Arial (little mermaid) Sharon (Hariharan – my-ex-one-sided-best-friend – more below) or whom? Wsas too long in my head to keep abreast with the world…since …former ganja addiction….now I am …why Arial (little mermaid) were you so stubborn with the poor people of Palestine…thye are suffering like my pavin (my muslim convert nephew Hafez bin Abdullah – read article My Flagitious Life and more, in fact all)… is it because …hhhmmmm…whats the word … in thamil we call this ‘varatthu gowravam’ (tamil term for ‘useless ego’ – did you know that I sent this article to BBC earlier today…I am sure there’s a flurry of activity checking tamil-english dictionary if I didnt’ mention it here…poor things, why waste their time and money right?)…

Whats the date today Mr. Presisent? I am too busy with you to notice, May 28th 2007, A voice in my head says ‘enough amaravathy with the President’ and I answer ‘never’. Are you shaking like a leaf Mr. President … I am laughing so much. Mr. Bush thanks a million bringing laughter back into my life again, I shall never forgive …ooopsss… I meant forget YOU! My heart hurts…WHY DO YOU KILL GOOD PEOPLE, what a waste to the human race, MY BELOVED OSHO.

EMANCIPATE … CONSTIPATE .. I can’t do this now as I’m on a different flow…

Its now 2.53am at Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita, Kuala Lumpur and I am too scared too move, about to shake like a leaf just thinking about AREA 51, what does this say…there’s something fishy/smelly going on man…lets do something ok.

We must ask Mr. Bush to allow unlimited access for the Discovery and National Geography Channels and ME to go in there as and when we like. Give us a place to stay and study what they are doing there. IS THAT OK MR.BUSH? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING THERE? OSHOS REMAINS? Or KENNEDY’S REMAINS of ALL THE REMAINS OF ASTRAUNAUTS THAT WERE INVOLVED IN YOUR MOON PROJECT…do you want me to name names, I will personally go to their families and interview them and come after you. You Don’t Mess with the RAKYAT Bush, we will come after you. Who Killed the Entire Kenney Male Clan man…why so vindictive? I have tears in my eyes when I think of all the things that you have done to the people of earth and our EARTH. The Whole is suffering because of you. THE HOLE IN THE SKY IS THERE BECAUSE OF YOU. You are the biggest Carbon emitter in the world…AM I RIGHT MR. BUSH? WHY HAVE YOU NOT SIGNED THE KYOTO PROTOCOL? Why uh! Mr. Bush? Why! Sob!Sob! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX MY ROOF, YOU FOOL! Do you want to die soon? I mean do you want all of us to die soon? I am giving my friend SOHO (notebook) such a contempt look…am scared. Actually Mr. Bush, we don’t know if you did it or your people did it without telling you. Do they tell you anything? Are you just a puppet going after turbans, taking all the attention of the world to a different direction – away from your AREA 51. Did we have visitors from Alpha Century in 1947? DID WE HAVE VISITORS FROM ALPHA CENTURY? Actually I am very influenced by HOLLYWOOD and AMERICAN BOOKS THAT fiction has merged with reality…IS IT? My source is not the internet you know…they are instincts…the best source of information in the entire world… Read…baskaran give me back my beloved OSHO’s books …I am so lost without them now…what am I going to get Bush to read…do you read Mr. Bush or do you get your body guards read for you during bed time? Are you eating right Mr. Bush? Have you been to AREA 51? Are you eating right Mr. Bush? If you are, then the body will tell you if something sinister is going on at AREA 51. I am going to come to US and feel that area and if my instincts tells me something fishy, I AM TAKING YOU TO TASK YOU FUCKER…if my rakyat (actually my rakyat is very many but don’t know who) allow me and give me money. I think this is a political statement but I say it as it is…the truth…as Sharon H Says…are you Hairy or are you Bush Fire or are you the WORLD? WE’RE GOING International soon.

Mr. Bush, Are You Hiding Under Your Toupeh? Why did you kill Saddam? Is this Human Rights? Poor man was hopelessly hiding in a hole, why can’t you forgive him and give him a home and a women/man companion, where is your compassion…world leader, MY BONY ASS! Time for a women leader, I AM HERE MR. BUSH, TAKE ME! TALK TO ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

A family (I think because there are 2 kids involved) of 4 muslims or Indians (don’t know the difference because we are rojak) just walked in and I think the couple (maybe early 40s – like me but not so cute asses though…bakaran..get that…) had just fucked. Guess how I know…instincts…he!he! her hair is wet and that shows that she had showered…common sense ma…(Chinese colloqial way of saying …am shaking in laughter…somebody tell me how to spell the you knwo) we Malaysian, most of the time, shower after fuck coz its too hot here … the weather…why? Climate change..ohoham am I right about the shower fellow Malaysians, my entire female family clan does, except for me coz I love my BODY. I don’t know what I am saying, actually I do, just need to think longer…and commune with myselves/ourselves…want to know more…read OSHO/DR.DEEPAK CHOPRA/DR.BRUGH JOY/PARANJOTHI MAHAN (his only book I GOD – a must read that Tamil book for Mr. BUSH because the English version does not justify the fucking meaning).

Mr. Bush I will read and explain Paranjothi Mahan’s thin book if you call me and pay for my ticket from KLIA to Washington Airport, give me a ROOF TO STAY…oi…Mr. Bush, do you know what will happen if you don’t have a roof at your white house…think about it…at least take 5 full minutes, get me. FIX MY ROOF first, then call me at +012-292 0107 (my maxis mobile) or never mind, just call me…I can read you the book and explain…somebody must teach you a thing or two, but you went and killed him right? Why uh? DID YOU KILL MY BELOVED GURU OSHO…tell me Mr. Bush. I am AN ABUSED(?)-INDIAN-WOMEN-OF-THE-EARTH-WITH-SKY-AS-MY-ONLY-ROOF and looking very small and frail and soft voiced asking you “DID YOU KILL MY GURU OSHO, YOU FUCKER?” Answer me…dei… Mr. Bush, please. I will let you go if you say yes, but you must look me in the eye because I know when you lie. Did you? call me…I feel so liberated! Thank you mr. president, if you read my life history, you’ll understand how you’ve helped me too.

Has any Indian on earth called mr. Bush Fire Dei (die)? Has any women on earch called mr. Bush Fire Dei (die)…I just wish I can walk up to the 4 young muslim people (3 males and 1 female) and share this with them. Alas I am an Indian Women in her 40s, bony assed, laughing my head off with my GURU OSHO. How is this possible? Call me Mr.Bush.

I just found out that the police are here watching me typing away and laughing my heart out (under-cover-agents-in-their-black-mafia-looking-4-wheels) and waiting for this article. Actually they are here protecting me from various parties including your thugs Wild Fire Bush. THE BUSH FIRE IN INDONESIA DESERVES A SLAP…another chapter.

poor Baskaran had to do time for nothing…you all (Bush Fire and Little Mermaid) should be in PUDU – the former oldest prison in the world (I think)…Prime Minister Abdullah, can we do something about these muslim hating god forsaken men?

Is it true that the world is ruled by this minority jews who control major financial market of the world…saw what soros did…I think there’s something fishy here..spielberg (or iceberg) are you too involved …I am pissed off with you because you no longer show your movies [my favorites next to Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings Director – my hero)] in Malaysia. Peter Jackson featured Lord of The Rings so magnificently that it surpassed my own wild imagination. I was awed because the scenes were better than my fantasy. What does this say? Am I imaginative? People of the earth, are my claims on Bush Fire and US wild?

Just because Dr. Mahathir (then PM of Malaysia) wanted to censor that one scene (people running around naked when the nazi officer shoots poor jews – my heart ached when I read Schlindlers List and watched that movie in….Singapore (Singapore-you deserve another chapter you piss-drinking, sterile-communists-as-my-ex-friend-sharon-calls), (how are you Bala Subra of Singapore – you wanted to lick me right?)) ..ooopsss….I am lying about watching Schlindlers List in Singapore, enlightened women cannot lie..sorry..but wont tell/cannot share/maybe arrested under ISA,1995 – is it?

Mr. Iceberg, why must you must deprive us of the joy of watching all good movies? I hate you? I have to huddle like a thief at …to buy…CDs at…just necasue of you…can’t I watch it decently in a cinema – big screens, sound systems, chachos and vanilla cocks (oops cokes) are absolute joy… is it…power play? Is it…or ego…maybe your cock is too small that’s why you’re trying to show power play with us small Malaysian…don’t you understand that we are sensitive to naked bodies..we are yet to evolve…have some understanding man….

What’s with yuou men…akka, come lets take them all to task… they go around making arrangements shaking hands or fighting and what-not (perhaps womanizing …Tan Sri Razali….am coming after you too…) and who is suffering. Dunno about him…I love him too…he was and still is my hero…WHY? Coz he was in the UN that’s all not because we fucked or that I’ve seen his cock. We give these bastards power, our tax money and our consumer money…what do they do to us…fuck our ASS!

This is what our world is facing…we need a women leader…in &*^$R#&*Y^E of course United Nations …somebody to empower these sleepy heads…what the hell are they doing with our monies…arguing over a single word for 3 days in a 10 day International Conventions…? Have you any idea what goes on around the tables of International Conventions..all you see is big words, technical jargons and big shots…baruahs argue over I word and finish up gallons of cofeee they buy with our monies. I was there in Costa Rica, in 1998 (is it…baskaran give me back my files) during the International Conference on Wetlands (or Ramsar – you want to know why – give me money – Convention on Wetlands)..I was initially exhilarated but now I know their techniques..thye use big words, technical jargons, boring tones and put you to sleep, get you to sign at that somnolent state…wallah (or ya allah!)…the money is in their pockets for them and their cronies…probably taken to womenize around the world…/

Oi…Bush.. (am laughing away) what are you doing to CNN man….what’s with your IRAQ or IRAN story all the time…stop messing with the muslims and do something more real like plugging the hole in the sky. Do you know that the sky (ozone layer) is our roof…idiot…what happens when there’s no roof at your white house? What happens? You’re in danger right? You get wet (oopss..I am not) right? Your … are you wearing a toupeh Mr. Bush (like Dr. Samy VEllu…Doc. you don’t look handsome with that on – remove it – accept yourself and be yourself and I will love you more – I have accepted myself for what I am … I no longer shave my you know what just because baskaran likes it that way..and am very happy…I had and hated Venus Shaving I don’t have a shaving blade in my possession at Pelita and I look hairy and divine) or is your hair real hair? Its just that I saw your photo featured along side a chimp in Jay Leno late night talk show and could’t see the difference much…

Oi…Bush…why don’t you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL…Why uh! Mr. Bush, why don’t you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL… sob! sob! is it to support your money making cronies … have you reduced your countries carbon emission…or have you carted it off to some poor countries…You can do so much for humankind, instead you’re wasting your time running after the turbans…why? Are you an IDIOT or WHAT? Oh! oh! I better ask the local expert…what’s his name…MR. Lim Kok Wee is it…the former Director General (is it?) of the Malaysian MEtereological Services…did they sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL already? Last I knew … in 2004…they still did not…

Do you want to know what THE KYOTO PROTOCOL Is? Ask Faizal Duncan Parish? He’s the NGO expert on Climate Change. If you need me to explain more, please get me my precious files from Baskaran? I have so much to say and that idiot is hoarding my database – my second mind (or the 10th mind)…Am hotnowneedaircond…am so pissed off with Mr.Bush…shall we hao=lkdant bhimame nowwwwoa.ha!ha!ha!ha!

Do you know that Developed Countries can help conserve peat swamp forests at developing or poor countries and calculate how much carbon they can store…then they go and produce that amount in their country. How? What do you think your factories emit..what do you think you emit…what do you think plants emit during the day when they produce food through photosyntheses (what spelling?) and Carbon! At least the plants and trees do their part by emitting oxygen at night when they are sleeping (right) what do we do…we take and take and take…what do we do in return…no need to do-lah…at least don’t lah take until there’s nothing to take…DO NOT BE GREEDY WITH THE ENVIRONMENT..we can be greedy with everything else I agree (as with our late OSHO – do you know he ones bought 93 rolls Royce at US in a single – read more) even sex is ok…you can even fuck 10 at a time – if you have no problems with it or don’t feel guilty about it – but NEVER TAKE TOO MUCH FROM THE ENVIRONMENT…we have no where else to go to…oi Bush really you are sending people to Mars or cheating us?

Anyway, carbon causes a hole in the sky. Can we stop breathing? No! So what do we do…reduce other carbon emitting stuff right? What have you done to our world BUSH? You are taking advantage of the voiceless environment.

Ask all about carbon trading…you buy peat forests (carbon store) from developing/poor countries and use up that much in your country – you continue to pollute the air with your factories/cars/etc…Faizal enlighten these idiots…who comes up with such arrangements and who agrees to it…the minorities of poor/developing countries are bullied/paid – perhaps under-table money for this right? What is happening to this world? Why is everyone ASLEEP just like Ms. wani ofsadkfawwtaeweg, Did you understand what I am saying wani?

Peat forests…where do I begin…why is there a hole in our roof? MY ROOF? Because of some gases that we use – they are called greenhouse gases – they are Cloro-floro-carbon, etc…need to recall more but to my understanding now..(more later) its mostly carbon…this is the fucker that is causing our ozone layer to deteriorate (do you know this word wani?) that means its thinning and I think at some parts there are holes - experts are not telling us the truth..why…they don’t know…tell me who is going to the sky with a measuring tape? TELL ME WHO IS GOING TO THE SKY WITH A MEASURING TAPE? Can the satellites that roam the earth (probably peeping into peoples houses) identify these holes, take pix of them and show us? Can someone show me the hole in my roof? What is the evidence that there is a hole in the sky? Who is the expert? How do you know these things? Is science developed enough to know about the environment/nature/existence?

No One can know these things unless they meditate and/do astral traveling … science is not that advance to measure our climate or environment or nature or EXISTENCE, you don’t even know what’s roaming at the basement of your mind…you don’t even know what happens when you die…oohhhhhoooohhhhh…amaravathy,…. we…are…..waiting….fior fdsfayuoiououo…!

We are wasting our money…what we need to do is… chronological order (I think)…when we prove that the hole is true ..prove to whom? To the rakyat (malay word for public (not pubic as my late/former boss Mr. Menon wants it to be..)

Mr. Menon, what did you do with the funds you collected from HSBC and BBMB – worth RM1M – with the help of then, Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin (as you aptly say that he’s in your pocket, or is it?..forgot as stml due to former ganja addiction) that you collected to do up the PAYA INDAH WETLAND SANCTUARY…you finished it wehre? London? Paris? Where ? oi…Mr.Menon, what did you do with the RM1million that you collected for those poor wetland eco-system…can they ask you?...haunt you…no…but I can…and I am…I am their voice…answer me …dei Menon…

Back to hole in my roof..first…
a. enlighten rakyat on what’s with the hole…show the measuring tape that you took up to the sky and tell us how you measured the hole…show me exactly where it is and how you know the CFC is causing it? I am a jobless rakyat of Malaysia now … explain please…no more technical jargon to cheat us...let me ask the experts…who understands…come forward and give a press conference and tell us…Faizal….say it as it I am saying now…english/malay/tamil please…Oh! Faizal can’t speak tamil but he’s fluent in English and ok in malay…I can translate…I have tamil background ok…don’t play…play (direct translation for jangan main-main)…

How come the tamil newspapers never talk about these issues uh…why always talk about India..hangover from the past is it….come out to the sun…I called and you came in late 90’s now nobody is calling you all right…Kali, why you never call them thought Najua? Doc. Sam why have you not asked the tamil nesan to cover issues on environment…this one deserves another article…

1. Publish the list of all products that cause the hole in the sky (MY ROOF) to deteriorate.
2. Inform the public of how important this is?
3. Teach the public what to do – stop using/buying/supporting them.
4. Publish the list of bastards that produce such products.
5. Hit the heads of these fuckers with chairs or go after them with parangs and daggers…they need to be taken to task.

Now…is this so difficult? What’s the point of going to MARS if we can’t do simple things like this? Who is running this world? It now needs a women and I am here…take me! President Bush…answer this…is your country fit to run/rule the world

I still think this is not enough because time has come for science to merge with spirituality…all those green-house-gas-emission-product-producers and environmental-experts and politicians…come see me and sit and meditate with me…I will take you places…I think I need to run out of the room now…ha!ha! COME SEE ME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS! Am running out now…to PELITA to be with the rakyat…

Before that…go to KINOKUNIYA and order OSHO’s book “AWARENESS – A coureagous way to live (is it?…Baskaran Fucker … give me OSHOs books…he needs me now). They managed to order some book for me but failed after sometime … perhaps blocked …just like all my email accounts…WHO BLOCKED ALL MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS AND CUT ME OFF THE WORLD… is it you BASKARAN… ada balls-kah? WHO? Why don’t you come and see me in person…I am such a frail looking abused/Indian/exd-maijuana-addict/fromthegodforsakentownofKUalaPilah…actually full of god as nature is still intact…GET ME BASKARAN…. 30 pages coming on you son-of-a-bitch….he!he!he! Dunno wat am sying… Bye

This was my plea to the TOYOTA FOUNDATION…

8. Reason why a Toyota Foundation Grant is needed?
(Why is funding from a private foundation necessary?) I too bought into the story until just now…we need to see the measuring tape first…whats with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – those fuckers with the measuring tape and money..soo much of our monies – give them to osho’s ashram in Bombay so they can sit and meditate and tell you what to do - another chapter on you.. fucker bush fire …that’s for killing worlds most important asset, he knew the answer you IDIOT…now I know!)

The loss of ozone layer means annihilation of the human race and all that we love. We need all the funds available for the environment to protect the thin layer of atmosphere that is protecting human race. Most of the Southeast Asian governments are still combating poverty alleviation. As such funding from private foundations is absolutely necessary to address challenges related to the environment, especially the climate change as it involves the entire human race.

Toyota Foundation have always cared for the well being of the earth and its people by providing funds to minority groups who need it most (I was just being polite – I think you have no idea what priority is). As such we believe that the voice of the neglected Southeast Asia will be heard and the importance of protecting the ozone layer will be felt as much as the minority Civil Society Organisations (just found out that they represent not the actual Civil Society Org. but government bodies – Faizal and Mr.Chee Tong Yew and Dr.Sundari know more about this…ask them please…ASK THEM…I can’t because they’re my friends –if they still want me..) in the region.

Let’s join hands in saving our sky.
Change your ways and behave yourself. This is my message to the society at large. At large because it is a very large message and we are going to tear it down to atomic size. A voice just asked me where have you been Amaravathy and I answered ‘DEAD’. Let them ask me what it is ---who? –society! We are all DEAD! WE need to FEEL again. To all Indians out there

‘‘Listen to the following song that Mohan mimicked for Revathy in this…. my short term memory lost due to marijuana addiction is not at all good for the society because I have a message to give ….“once again, go to the CD shop above the restaurant that is opposite Laxmi Narayan Restaurant (can’t remember names at all) at Lebuh Ampang (my favorite haunt) and buy yes…Utahaya Geetham movie…Mohan mimicked THIS Song From a Prison to Revathy “can’t remember as the Tamil news at the back is disturbing my flow of thought”… YEA…it sounds

‘ithayam oru kovil, athil uthayam oru pahdal, ithil vaalum thevi nee’…this is me. (translation: our heart is our temple, there emerges a song, you’re the goddess who lives in the heart – English words never justifies the beauty of my language)

I live in my heart and not in my head…I feel, therefore I am the force of nature.

I just found new meaning to it, sitting here at the reception of this cheap hotel in the company of an Indian man from Chennai – he’s at the other side of the desk…just hold your suppressed thoughts…he’s very decently reading Part 1 & 2 of the story of my life…just see how suppressed my mind is…GOSH!- Anyway I cried here just now thinking of what I was doing to Baskaran because I know that he was such a private person…liar…you became famous before me and made it big right…in newspapers way back … I won’t make it easy for the media…let them do some work…. As if they are interested…they rather …. Never mind….no time/

Oh! Baskaran … what have I done to you. Am I sounding like an Indian Drama Queen? Is this what you want? Baskaran I am not at all affected but what am I doing to YOURSELF! I am killing you to recreate an independent and better person. Die today. Wake up tomorrow different. Don’t give a FUCK to what this people say about us. It was our life and I am proud of it. I am better today because of you. Thank you. Tell them to FUCK OFF! I almost did to a journalist from Star called Wani (I have now)…I have a message and all she was interested is in my marijuana addiction … her question “Did your husband beat you up in addition to getting you hooked on marijuana”. Such a bitch. Ask them all to fuck Off. She didn’t even read my story This is the kind of society we live in. I said all those nasty things about you to get the attention of the media. Now that I have it, I will tell the truth. We did marijuana together, you were a bad influence but you did not force me. NO ONE CAN FORCE ME AS I AM FORCE OF NATURE AS ALL WOMEN ARE WHEN THEY ARE AWAKE.

Do you know that all women are enlightened – if they escape the tyranny of men!

I am an independent women with her mind of my own. I quit marijuana without any ones help right? What does this say? I could have done it anytime but I didn’t because I was having a good time with baskaran and did not want it to end because our relationship was a ganja relationship and I am proud of it. For those of you who have not experienced a ganja session, go to Bukit Bintang, Jalan Alor and ask the parking attendants there, please give them RM50 (minimum) and they will give you something worth RM20 until they trust you enough to get you more.

Why don’t Wani try some, perhaps she may understand that marijuana addicts do not beat their wives but have some and give them a good lick/blow. Learn before you call and ask cocked up questions. Very sneakily she threw my ex-friiends name who were and is journalists at the STAR Shamala Velu and Grace Chin. Where are you Shamala? Hiding under Singams sarong? I am laughing so hard as I am writing this because I have no idea if Singam wears Sarong! Why is our local media so FUCKED UP? Don’t you keep abreast with what is happening at world at large. Come out of the dark corners of your mind and embrace the sun. We need light in these moments of dark and desolate period. Now I remember…Bob Marley my ganja fellow partner said…let me repeat this again


I am not going to read this before publishing it because one of myself may delete this (accidentally as I have …article on danes and me…aiyah…will rewrite later…not now as the ENVIRONMENT/NATURE/EXISTENCE need me…OSHOs LOVER!

am scared…i think i will die if not for the support of restoran nasi kandar pelita at Kuala Lumpur in the vicinity of Ampang Point….oooohhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh sob! sob! the world is dying and all we care about is killing prophets and going after turbans and women…where is justice …who is going to be the voice of the environment/nature/existence…I AM as I AM PART OF NATURE: EXISTENCE:GOD:YOU ARE TOO MY FELLOW SIBLINGS FROM MY HOME EARTH THAT HAS A ROOF:OUR SKY.

war on us - unabreviated version



I need to shit now…finally the fart yesterday and shit today…I’ve been waiting for you baby…oh! been talking to my shit…I don’t want to talk like this but no one listens to me unless I start this way…this is how our world has become…WHY? Go check out the yahoo (search engine by India) front page there’s a man exposing himself in the middle of the street to drivers…the world only pays attention to you when you speak about sex.shit/fart/piss/gibberish/blah…blah… you want to know why? It is a very heavy burden to carry – the unconscious…want to know more…another time..

I was just at the internet café, posting my story AMARAVATHY EXPOSED – PART 1 but the actual title was JUST gibberish…to remind you of our late GURU OSHO – I learned the word Gibberish through his website – did you know it was one of his seven meditation methods to relieve/revive you of/from stress, what a beautiful gift to humankind and what a waste…Mr. Bush did you send your thugs in black suit to kill him

(is it true about the Project Blue Book – did the US presidency send thugs in black suits and ray bans to people’s houses – ardent UFO abductees/followers to make them forget about what they saw?) Was the UFO Crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 (is it?) true…short term memory lost due to marijuana/ganja-as I lovingly called with my husband BASKARAN BALARAMAN – are you hiding under your mothers sarong…ooopss maxi kan? or at Kuala Pilah bullying my mother/father today.

Oi…Bush…what do you do at AREA %! – ooopsss its AREA 51 – what do you do there Mr. Bush…what are your underground labs doing…conducting research on poor and innocent humans or alien species…can some one take me there…why isn’t the world doing anything about their tyranny…nobody can question them is it…can someone please let me know my rights as a blogger..can I say these….THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON AT AREA 51…who can tell us? I have a feeling that its not good…they are doing something menacing…and we need to stop them…who can help me…an abused/Indian/little-looking-women/from-the-god-forsaken-town-of-kuala-pilah…actually its full of god because nature is still intact…

Anyway, AREA 51 is in the god-forsaken-desert of NEVADA, USA. I say god-forsaken-desert because there are no plants there. However I believe that desert is also part of existence, hence I will not call Nevada god-forsaken anymore…apparently I can’t do that because it is god-forsaken because of AREA &^*, GOD HAD LEFT THAT AREA.. oohhhaaahhhh! I am getting scared..

They have a 51km (or 55km) perimeter of security features, including high fencing/cameras/spotlights/etc…watch discovery/national geography more or meditate and try astral traveling …wish OSHO was alive to teach us…is this why you killed him… jerk! I am here now…ask me…I think I need to run out to the rakyats of Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita…you black suited men wont be able to touch me here…Do you know there were researches with powerful cameras and video cams around the fencing to find out what these fuckers were up to…army trucks are always seen in and out but nothing can be seen because it is all underground…they have smelly and nasty skeletons to hide in their cupboards if they are this secretive isn’t it…the moment outsiders are spotted…they come with their machine guns and army trucks to intimidate and chase...wonder how many people they killed…

Actually I can’t write anymore because I am scared and just the thought of AREA 51 gives me the creeps and turns my heart cold. I live in my heart and I feel…very sensitive-lah! As such I feel it in my bones that there’s something sinister going on there, I have pictures flashing across my mind from various Hollywood movies that mess human minds/bodies/soul…am really scared…stopped all work for today. Un-relentless voice in my head just

Dei…did you kill president KENNEDY… dei (die) Bush…did you kill OSHO? And Kennedy? Why? And people in NASA who wanted to come clean about your planetary projects? Did your presidency actually land on moon? Is that why you killed Kennedy? I heard that your moon landing was a simulation in your god-forsaken-desert-of-8r32847q38947.

Whats with this jews and Israel uh! Why can’t you all give that small piece of land to the poor ppl of Palestine…stingy like my sisters valar and van is it? Why so stingy…who is their main man now…Arial (little mermaid) Sharon (Hariharan) or whom? Wsas too long in my head to keep abreast with the world…since …former ganja addiction….now I am …why Arial (little mermaid) were you so stubborn with the poor people of Palestine…thye are suffering like my paving… is it because …hhhmmmm…whats the word … in thamil we call this ‘varatthu gowravam’ (tamil term for useless ego – did you know that I sent this article to BBC earlier today…I am sure there’s a flurry of activity checking tamil-english dictionary) what’s the translation uh?..give me money and I will tell…or show some interest and listen to me…I will n=tell.

Its now 2.53am at Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita, Kuala Lumpur and I am too scared too move, about to shake like a leaf just thinking about AREA 51, what does this say…there’s something fishy/smelly going on man…lets do something ok. We must ask Mr. Bush to allow unlimited access for the Discovery and National Geography Channels and ME to go in there as and when we like. Give us a place to stay and study what they are doing there. IS THAT OK MR.BUSH? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING THERE? OSHOS REMAINS? Or KENNEDY’S REMAINS of ALL THE REMAINS OF ASTRAUNAUTS THAT WERE INVOLVED IN YOUR MOON PROJECT…do you want me to name names, I will personally go to their families and interview them and come after you. You Don’t Mess with the RAKYAT Bush, we will come after you. Who Killed the Entire Kenney Male Clan man…why so vindictive? I have tears in my eyes when I think of all the things that you have done to the people of earth and our EARTH. The Whole is suffering because of you. THE HOLE IN THE SKY IS THERE BECAUSE OF YOU. You are the biggest Carbon emitter in the world…AM I RIGHT MR. BUSH? WHY HAVE YOU NOT SIGNED THE KYOTO PROTOCOL? Why uh! Mr. Bush? Why! Sob!Sob! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX MY ROOF, YOU FOOL! Do you want to die soon? I mean do you want all of us to die soon? I am giving my friend (notebook) such a contempt look…am scared. Actually Mr. Bush, we don’t know if you did it or your people did it without telling you. Do they tell you anything? Are you just a puppet going after turbans, taking all the attention of the world to a different direction – away from your AREA 51. Did we have visitors from Alpha Century in 1947? DID WE HAVE VISITORS FROM ALPHA CENTURY? Actually I am very influenced by HOLLYWOOD and AMERICAN BOOKS THAT fiction has merged with reality…IS IT? My source is not the internet you know…they are instincts…the best source of information in the entire world… Read…baskaran give me back my beloved OSHO’s books …I am so lost without them now…what am I going to get Bush to read…do you read Mr. Bush or do you get your body guards read for you during bed time? Are you eating right Mr. Bush? Have you been to AREA 51? Are you eating right Mr. Bush? If you are, then the body will tell you if something sinister is going on at AREA 51. I am going to come to US and take you to task…if the rakyat allow me and give me money.

What Are You Hiding Under Your Toupeh? Why did you kill Saddam? Is this Human Rights? Poor man was hopelessly hiding in a hole, why can’t you forgive him and give him a home and a women/man companion, where is your compassion…world leader, MY BONY ASS! Time for a women leader, I AM HERE MR. BUSH, TAKE ME! TALK TO ME! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

A family (I think becaue there are 2 kids involved) of 4 just walked in and I think the couple (maybe early 40s – like me but not so cute asses though…bakaran..get that…) had just fucked. Guess I know…instincts…he!he! her hair is wet and that shows that she had showered…common sense ma…we Malaysian, most of the time, shower after fuck coz its too hot here … the weather…why? Climate change..ohoham I right fellow Malaysians, my entire female family clan does, except for me coz I love my BODY. I don’t know what I am saying, actually I do, just need to think longer…and commune with myselves/ourselves…want to know more…read OSHO/DR.DEEPAK CHOPRA/DR.BRUGH JOY/PARANJOTHI MAHAN (his only book I GOD – a must read for Mr. BUSH. Mr. Bush I will read and explain Paranjothi Mahan’s thin book if you call me and pay for my ticket from KLIA to Washington (whats the airport there man), give me a ROOF TO STAY…oi…Mr. Bush, do you know what will happen if you don’t have a roof at your white house…think about it…at least take 5 full minutes, get me. FIX MY ROOF first, then call me at +012-292 0107 or never mind, just call me…I can read you the book and explain…somebody must teach you a thing or two, but you went and killed him right? Why uh? DID YOU KILL MY BELOVED EXTERNAL GURU OSHO…tell me Mr. Bush. I am AN ABUSED-INDIAN-WOMEN-OF-THE-EARTH-WITH-SKY-AS-MY-ONLY-ROOF and looking very small and frail and soft voiced asking you “DID YOU KILL MY GURU OSHO YOU FUCKER?” Answer me Mr. Bush, please. I will let you go if you say yes, but you must look me in the eye because I know when you lie. Did you? call me…

poor Baskaran had to do time for nothing…you all (Bush Fire and Little Mermaid) should be in PUDU – the former oldest prison in the world (I think)…Prime Minister Abdullah, can we do something about these muslim hating god forsaken man called BUSH?

Is it true that the world is ruled by this minority jews who control major financial market of the world…saw what soros did…I think there’s something fishy here..spielberg (or iceberg) are you too involved …I am pissed off with you because you no longer show your movies [my favorites next to Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings Director – my hero)] in Malaysia.

Just because Dr. Mahathir (then PM of Malaysia) wanted to censor that one scene (people running around naked when the nazi officer shoots poor jews – my heart ached when I read Schlindlers List and watched that movie in….Singapore (Singapore-you deserve another chapter you piss-drinking, sterile-communists-as-my-ex-friend-sharon-calls), (how are you Bala Subra of Singapore – you wanted to lick me right?)) ..ooopsss….I am lying about watching Schlindlers List in Singapore, enlightened women cannot lie..sorry..but wont tell/cannot share/maybe arrested under ISA,1995 – is it?

Mr. Iceberg, why must you must deprive us of the joy of watching all good movies? I hate you? I have to huddle like a thief at …to buy…CDs at…just necasue of you…can’t I watch it decently in a cinema – big screens, sound systems, chachos and vanilla cocks (oops cokes) are absolute joy… is it…power play? Is it…or ego…maybe your cock is too small that’s why you’re trying to show power play with us small Malaysian…don’t you understand that we are sensitive to naked bodies..we are yet to evolve…have some understanding man….

What’s with yuou men…akka, come lets take them all to task… they go around making arrangements shaking hands or fighting and what-not (perhaps womanizing …Tan Sri Razali….am coming after you too…) and who is suffering. Dunno about him…I love him too…he was and still is my hero…WHY? Coz he was in the UN that’s all not because we fucked or that I’ve seen his cock. We give these bastards power, our tax money and our consumer money…what do they do to us…fuck our ASS!

This is what our world is facing…we need a women leader…in &*^$R#&*Y^E of course United Nations …somebody to empower these sleepy heads…what the hell are they doing with our monies…arguing over a single word for 3 days in a 10 day International Conventions…? Have you any idea what goes on around the tables of International Conventions..all you see is big words, technical jargons and big shots…baruahs argue over I word and finish up gallons of cofeee they buy with our monies. I was there in Costa Rica, in 1998 (is it…baskaran give me back my files) during the International Conference on Wetlands (or Ramsar – you want to know why – give me money – Convention on Wetlands)..I was initially exhilarated but now I know their techniques..thye use big words, technical jargons, boring tones and put you to sleep, get you to sign at that somnolent state…wallah (or ya allah!)…the money is in their pockets for them and their cronies…probably taken to womenize around the world…/

Oi…Bush.. (am laughing away) what are you doing to CNN man….what’s with your IRAQ or IRAN story all the time…stop messing with the muslims and do something more real like plugging the hole in the sky. Do you know that the sky (ozone layer) is our roof…idiot…what happens when there’s no roof at your white house? What happens? You’re in danger right? You get wet (oopss..I am not) right? Your … are you wearing a toupeh Mr. Bush (like Dr. Samy VEllu…Doc. you don’t look handsome with that on – remove it – accept yourself and be yourself and I will love you more – I have accepted myself for what I am … I no longer shave my you know what just because baskaran likes it that way..and am very happy…I had and hated Venus Shaving I don’t have a shaving blade in my possession at Pelita and I look hairy and divine) or is your hair real hair? Its just that I saw your photo featured along side a chimp in Jay Leno late night talk show and could’t see the difference much…

Oi…Bush…why don’t you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL…Why uh! Mr. Bush, why don’t you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL… sob! sob! is it to support your money making cronies … have you reduced your countries carbon emission…or have you carted it off to some poor countries…You can do so much for humankind, instead you’re wasting your time running after the turbans…why? Are you an IDIOT or WHAT? Oh! oh! I better ask the local expert…what’s his name…MR. Lim Kok Wee is it…the former Director General (is it?) of the Malaysian MEtereological Services…did they sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL already? Last I knew … in 2004…they still did not…

Do you want to know what THE KYOTO PROTOCOL Is? Ask Faizal Duncan Parish? He’s the NGO expert on Climate Change. If you need me to explain more, please get me my precious files from Baskaran? I have so much to say and that idiot is hoarding my database – my second mind (or the 10th mind)…Am hotnowneedaircond…am so pissed off with Mr.Bush…shall we hao=lkdant bhimame nowwwwoa.ha!ha!ha!ha!

Do you know that Developed Countries can help conserve peat swamp forests at developing or poor countries and calculate how much carbon they can store…then they go and produce that amount in their country. How? What do you think your factories emit..what do you think you emit…what do you think plants emit during the day when they produce food through photosyntheses (what spelling?) and Carbon! At least the plants and trees do their part by emitting oxygen at night when they are sleeping (right) what do we do…we take and take and take…what do we do in return…no need to do-lah…at least don’t lah take until there’s nothing to take…DO NOT BE GREEDY WITH THE ENVIRONMENT..we can be greedy with everything else I agree (as with our late OSHO – do you know he ones bought 93 rolls Royce at US in a single – read more) even sex is ok…you can even fuck 10 at a time – if you have no problems with it or don’t feel guilty about it – but NEVER TAKE TOO MUCH FROM THE ENVIRONMENT…we have no where else to go to…oi Bush really you are sending people to Mars or cheating us?

Anyway, carbon causes a hole in the sky. Can we stop breathing? No! So what do we do…reduce other carbon emitting stuff right? What have you done to our world BUSH? You are taking advantage of the voiceless environment.

Ask all about carbon trading…you buy peat forests (carbon store) from developing/poor countries and use up that much in your country – you continue to pollute the air with your factories/cars/etc…Faizal enlighten these idiots…who comes up with such arrangements and who agrees to it…the minorities of poor/developing countries are bullied/paid – perhaps under-table money for this right? What is happening to this world? Why is everyone ASLEEP just like Ms. wani ofsadkfawwtaeweg, Did you understand what I am saying wani?

Peat forests…where do I begin…why is there a hole in our roof? MY ROOF? Because of some gases that we use – they are called greenhouse gases – they are Cloro-floro-carbon, etc…need to recall more but to my understanding now..(more later) its mostly carbon…this is the fucker that is causing our ozone layer to deteriorate (do you know this word wani?) that means its thinning and I think at some parts there are holes - experts are not telling us the truth..why…they don’t know…tell me who is going to the sky with a measuring tape? TELL ME WHO IS GOING TO THE SKY WITH A MEASURING TAPE? Can the satellites that roam the earth (probably peeping into peoples houses) identify these holes, take pix of them and show us? Can someone show me the hole in my roof? What is the evidence that there is a hole in the sky? Who is the expert? How do you know these things? Is science developed enough to know about the environment/nature/existence?

No One can know these things unless they meditate and/do astral traveling … science is not that advance to measure our climate or environment or nature or EXISTENCE, you don’t even know what’s roaming at the basement of your mind…you don’t even know what happens when you die…oohhhhhoooohhhhh…amaravathy,…. we…are…..waiting….fior fdsfayuoiououo…!

We are wasting our money…what we need to do is… chronological order (I think)…when we prove that the hole is true ..prove to whom? To the rakyat (malay word for public (not pubic as my late/former boss Mr. Menon wants it to be..)

Mr. Menon, what did you do with the funds you collected from HSBC and BBMB – worth RM1M – with the help of then, Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin (as you aptly say that he’s in your pocket, or is it?..forgot as stml due to former ganja addiction) that you collected to do up the PAYA INDAH WETLAND SANCTUARY…you finished it wehre? London? Paris? Where ? oi…Mr.Menon, what did you do with the RM1million that you collected for those poor wetland eco-system…can they ask you?...haunt you…no…but I can…and I am…I am their voice…answer me …dei Menon…

Back to hole in my roof..first…
a. enlighten rakyat on what’s with the hole…show the measuring tape that you took up to the sky and tell us how you measured the hole…show me exactly where it is and how you know the CFC is causing it? I am a jobless rakyat of Malaysia now … explain please…no more technical jargon to cheat us...let me ask the experts…who understands…come forward and give a press conference and tell us…Faizal….say it as it I am saying now…english/malay/tamil please…Oh! Faizal can’t speak tamil but he’s fluent in English and ok in malay…I can translate…I have tamil background ok…don’t play…play (direct translation for jangan main-main)…

How come the tamil newspapers never talk about these issues uh…why always talk about India..hangover from the past is it….come out to the sun…I called and you came in late 90’s now nobody is calling you all right…Kali, why you never call them thought Najua? Doc. Sam why have you not asked the tamil nesan to cover issues on environment…this one deserves another article…

1. Publish the list of all products that cause the hole in the sky (MY ROOF) to deteriorate.
2. Inform the public of how important this is?
3. Teach the public what to do – stop using/buying/supporting them.
4. Publish the list of bastards that produce such products.
5. Hit the heads of these fuckers with chairs or go after them with parangs and daggers…they need to be taken to task.

Now…is this so difficult? What’s the point of going to MARS if we can’t do simple things like this? Who is running this world? It now needs a women and I am here…take me! President Bush…answer this…is your country fit to run/rule the world

I still think this is not enough because time has come for science to merge with spirituality…all those green-house-gas-emission-product-producers and environmental-experts and politicians…come see me and sit and meditate with me…I will take you places…I think I need to run out of the room now…ha!ha! COME SEE ME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS! Am running out now…to PELITA to be with the rakyat…

Before that…go to KINOKUNIYA and order OSHO’s book “AWARENESS – A coureagous way to live (is it?…Baskaran Fucker … give me OSHOs books…he needs me now). They managed to order some book for me but failed after sometime … perhaps blocked …just like all my email accounts…WHO BLOCKED ALL MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS AND CUT ME OFF THE WORLD… is it you BASKARAN… ada balls-kah? WHO? Why don’t you come and see me in person…I am such a frail looking abused/Indian/exd-maijuana-addict/fromthegodforsakentownofKUalaPilah…actually full of god as nature is still intact…GET ME BASKARAN…. 30 pages coming on you son-of-a-bitch….he!he!he! Dunno wat am sying… Bye

This was my plea to the TOYOTA FOUNDATION…

8. Reason why a Toyota Foundation Grant is needed?
(Why is funding from a private foundation necessary?) I too bought into the story until just now…we need to see the measuring tape first…whats with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – those fuckers with the measuring tape and money..soo much of our monies – give them to osho’s ashram in Bombay so they can sit and meditate and tell you what to do - another chapter on you.. fucker bush fire …that’s for killing worlds most important asset, he knew the answer you IDIOT…now I know!)

The loss of ozone layer means annihilation of the human race and all that we love. We need all the funds available for the environment to protect the thin layer of atmosphere that is protecting human race. Most of the Southeast Asian governments are still combating poverty alleviation. As such funding from private foundations is absolutely necessary to address challenges related to the environment, especially the climate change as it involves the entire human race.

Toyota Foundation have always cared for the well being of the earth and its people by providing funds to minority groups who need it most (I was just being polite – I think you have no idea what priority is). As such we believe that the voice of the neglected Southeast Asia will be heard and the importance of protecting the ozone layer will be felt as much as the minority Civil Society Organisations (just found out that they represent not the actual Civil Society Org. but government bodies – Faizal and Mr.Chee Tong Yew and Dr.Sundari know more about this…ask them please…ASK THEM…I can’t because they’re my friends –if they still want me..) in the region.

Let’s join hands in saving our sky.
Change your ways and behave yourself. This is my message to the society at large. At large because it is a very large message and we are going to tear it down to atomic size. A voice just asked me where have you been Amaravathy and I answered ‘DEAD’. Let them ask me what it is ---who? –society! We are all DEAD! WE need to FEEL again. To all Indians out there

‘‘Listen to the following song that Mohan mimicked for Revathy in this…. my short term memory lost due to marijuana addiction is not at all good for the society because I have a message to give ….“once again, go to the CD shop above the restaurant that is opposite Laxmi Narayan Restaurant (can’t remember names at all) at Lebuh Ampang (my favorite haunt) and buy yes…Utahaya Geetham movie…Mohan mimicked THIS Song From a Prison to Revathy “can’t remember as the Tamil news at the back is disturbing my flow of thought”… YEA…it sounds

‘ithayam oru kovil, athil uthayam oru pahdal, ithil vaalum thevi nee’…this is me. (translation: our heart is our temple, there emerges a song, you’re the goddess who lives in the heart – English words never justifies the beauty of my language)

I live in my heart and not in my head…I feel, therefore I am the force of nature.

I just found new meaning to it, sitting here at the reception of this cheap hotel in the company of an Indian man from Chennai – he’s at the other side of the desk…just hold your suppressed thoughts…he’s very decently reading Part 1 & 2 of the story of my life…just see how suppressed my mind is…GOSH!- Anyway I cried here just now thinking of what I was doing to Baskaran because I know that he was such a private person…liar…you became famous before me and made it big right…in newspapers way back … I won’t make it easy for the media…let them do some work…. As if they are interested…they rather …. Never mind….no time/

Oh! Baskaran … what have I done to you. Am I sounding like an Indian Drama Queen? Is this what you want? Baskaran I am not at all affected but what am I doing to YOURSELF! I am killing you to recreate an independent and better person. Die today. Wake up tomorrow different. Don’t give a FUCK to what this people say about us. It was our life and I am proud of it. I am better today because of you. Thank you. Tell them to FUCK OFF! I almost did to a journalist from Star called Wani (I have now)…I have a message and all she was interested is in my marijuana addiction … her question “Did your husband beat you up in addition to getting you hooked on marijuana”. Such a bitch. Ask them all to fuck Off. She didn’t even read my story This is the kind of society we live in. I said all those nasty things about you to get the attention of the media. Now that I have it, I will tell the truth. We did marijuana together, you were a bad influence but you did not force me. NO ONE CAN FORCE ME AS I AM FORCE OF NATURE AS ALL WOMEN ARE WHEN THEY ARE AWAKE.

Do you know that all women are enlightened – if they escape the tyranny of men!

I am an independent women with her mind of my own. I quit marijuana without any ones help right? What does this say? I could have done it anytime but I didn’t because I was having a good time with baskaran and did not want it to end because our relationship was a ganja relationship and I am proud of it. For those of you who have not experienced a ganja session, go to Bukit Bintang, Jalan Alor and ask the parking attendants there, please give them RM50 (minimum) and they will give you something worth RM20 until they trust you enough to get you more.

Why don’t Wani try some, perhaps she may understand that marijuana addicts do not beat their wives but have some and give them a good lick/blow. Learn before you call and ask cocked up questions. Very sneakily she threw my ex-friiends name who were and is journalists at the STAR Shamala Velu and Grace Chin. Where are you Shamala? Hiding under Singams sarong? I am laughing so hard as I am writing this because I have no idea if Singam wears Sarong! Why is our local media so FUCKED UP? Don’t you keep abreast with what is happening at world at large. Come out of the dark corners of your mind and embrace the sun. We need light in these moments of dark and desolate period. Now I remember…Bob Marley my ganja fellow partner said…let me repeat this again


I am not going to read this before publishing it because one of myself may delete this (accidentally as I have …article on danes and me…aiyah…will rewrite later…not now as the ENVIRONMENT/NATURE/EXISTENCE need me…OSHOs LOVER!

am scared…i think i will die if not for the support of restoran nasi kandar pelita at Kuala Lumpur in the vicinity of Ampang Point….oooohhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh sob! sob! the world is dying and all we care about is killing prophets and going after turbans and women…where is justice …who is going to be the voice of the environment/nature/existence…I AM as I AM PART OF NATURE: EXISTENCE:GOD:YOU ARE TOO MY FELLOW SIBLINGS FROM MY HOME EARTH THAT HAS A ROOF:OUR SKY.


Amaravathy Sivalingam
to newsdesk
show details
May 27 (5 days ago)
\u003cstrong\>KP WARAN\u003c/strong\>\u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>\u003cstrong\>\u003c/strong\> \u003c/div\>\n\u003cdiv\>\u003cb\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>AMARAVATHY EXPOSED – PART 2\u003c/p\>\u003c/b\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I AM THE BIGGEST CONTROVERSI HUMANKIND HAS EVEN SEEN…\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I am doing this becuse I want to be in the hit-list of the American Government. \u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I need to shit now…finally ..the fart yesterday and shit today…I've been waiting for you baby…oh! been talking to my shit…I don't want to talk like this but no one listens to me unless I start this way…this is how our world has become…WHY? Go check out the yahoo (search engine by India) front page \n\u003ca href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>\u003c/a\> there's a man exposing himself in the middle of the street to drivers…the world only pays attention to you when you speak about sex.shit/fart/piss/gibberish/blah…blah… you want to know why? It is a very heavy burden to carry – the unconscious…want to know more…another time..(unburden your unconscious by reading me at \n\u003ca href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>\u003c/a\>. I posted \u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I was just at the internet café, posting my story AMARAVATHY EXPOSED – PART 1 but the actual title was JUST gibberish…to remind you of our late GURU OSHO – I learned the word Gibberish through his website \n\u003ca href\u003d\"\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\"\>\u003c/a\> – did you know it was one of his seven meditation methods to relieve/revive you of/from stress, what a beautiful gift to humankind and what a waste…Mr. Bush did you send your thugs in black suit to kill him \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>(is it true about the Project Blue Book – did the US presidency send thugs in black suits and ray bans to people's houses – ardent UFO abductees/followers to make them forget about what they saw?) Was the UFO Crash in New Mexico in 1947 (is it?) true…short term memory lost due to marijuana/ganja-as I lovingly called with my husband BASKARAN BALARAMAN – are you hiding under your mothers sarong…ooopss maxi kan? or at Kuala Pilah bullying my mother/father today. \n",1]


I am doing this becuse I want to be in the hit-list of the American Government.
I need to shit now…finally ..the fart yesterday and shit today…I've been waiting for you baby…oh! been talking to my shit…I don't want to talk like this but no one listens to me unless I start this way…this is how our world has become…WHY? Go check out the yahoo (search engine by India) front page there's a man exposing himself in the middle of the street to drivers…the world only pays attention to you when you speak about sex.shit/fart/piss/gibberish/blah…blah… you want to know why? It is a very heavy burden to carry – the unconscious…want to know more…another time..(unburden your unconscious by reading me at I posted
I was just at the internet café, posting my story AMARAVATHY EXPOSED – PART 1 but the actual title was JUST gibberish…to remind you of our late GURU OSHO – I learned the word Gibberish through his website – did you know it was one of his seven meditation methods to relieve/revive you of/from stress, what a beautiful gift to humankind and what a waste…Mr. Bush did you send your thugs in black suit to kill him
(is it true about the Project Blue Book – did the US presidency send thugs in black suits and ray bans to people's houses – ardent UFO abductees/followers to make them forget about what they saw?) Was the UFO Crash in New Mexico in 1947 (is it?) true…short term memory lost due to marijuana/ganja-as I lovingly called with my husband BASKARAN BALARAMAN – are you hiding under your mothers sarong…ooopss maxi kan? or at Kuala Pilah bullying my mother/father today.
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Oi…Bush…what do you do at AREA %! – ooopsss its AREA 51 – what do you do there Mr. Bush…what are your underground labs doing…conducting research on poor and innocent humans or alien species…can some one take me there…why isn't the world doing anything about their tyranny…nobody can question them is it…can someone please let me know my rights as a blogger..can I say these….THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON AT AREA 51…who can tell us? I have a feeling that its not good…they are doing something menacing…and we need to stop them…who can help me…an abused/Indian/little-looking\u003cWBR\>-women/from-the-god-forsaken\u003cWBR\>-town-of-kuala-pilah…actually its full of god because nature is still intact… \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Anyway, AREA 51 is in the god-forsaken-desert of NEVADA, USA. They have a 51km (or 55km) perimeter of security features, including high fencing/cameras/spotlights/etc\u003cWBR\>…watch discovery/national geography more or meditate and try astral traveling …wish OSHO was alive to teach us…is this why you killed him… jerk! I am here now…ask me…I think I need to run out to the rakyats of REstoran Nasi Kandar Pelita…you black suited men wont be able to touch me here…Do you know there were researches with powerful cameras and video cams aournd the fencing to find out what these fuckers were up to…army trucks are always seen in and out but nothing can be seen because it is all underground…they have smelly and nasty skeletons to hide in their cupboards if they are this secretive isn't it…the moment outsiders are spotted…thye come with their machine guns and army trucks to intimidate and chase..wonder how many people they killed…\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Dei…did you kill president KENNEDY… dei (die) Bush…did you kill OSHO? And Kennedy? Why? And people in NASA who wanted to come clean about your planetary projects? Did your presidency actually land on moon? Is that why you killed Kennedy? I heard that your moon landing was a simulation in your god-forsaken-desert-of-8r32847q",1]

Oi…Bush…what do you do at AREA %! – ooopsss its AREA 51 – what do you do there Mr. Bush…what are your underground labs doing…conducting research on poor and innocent humans or alien species…can some one take me there…why isn't the world doing anything about their tyranny…nobody can question them is it…can someone please let me know my rights as a blogger..can I say these….THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOES ON AT AREA 51…who can tell us? I have a feeling that its not good…they are doing something menacing…and we need to stop them…who can help me…an abused/Indian/little-looking-women/from-the-god-forsaken-town-of-kuala-pilah…actually its full of god because nature is still intact…
Anyway, AREA 51 is in the god-forsaken-desert of NEVADA, USA. They have a 51km (or 55km) perimeter of security features, including high fencing/cameras/spotlights/etc…watch discovery/national geography more or meditate and try astral traveling …wish OSHO was alive to teach us…is this why you killed him… jerk! I am here now…ask me…I think I need to run out to the rakyats of REstoran Nasi Kandar Pelita…you black suited men wont be able to touch me here…Do you know there were researches with powerful cameras and video cams aournd the fencing to find out what these fuckers were up to…army trucks are always seen in and out but nothing can be seen because it is all underground…they have smelly and nasty skeletons to hide in their cupboards if they are this secretive isn't it…the moment outsiders are spotted…thye come with their machine guns and army trucks to intimidate and chase..wonder how many people they killed…
Dei…did you kill president KENNEDY… dei (die) Bush…did you kill OSHO? And Kennedy? Why? And people in NASA who wanted to come clean about your planetary projects? Did your presidency actually land on moon? Is that why you killed Kennedy? I heard that your moon landing was a simulation in your god-forsaken-desert-of-8r32847q
38947.\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Whats with this jews and Israel uh! Why can't you all give that small piece of land to the poor ppl of Palestine…stingy like my sisters valar and van is it? Why so stingy…who is their main man now…Arial (little mermaid) Sharon (Hariharan) or whom? Wsas too long in my head to keep abreast with the world…since …former ganja addiction….now I am backw\ …why Arial (little mermaid) were you so stubborn with the poor people of Palestine…thye are suffering like my paving… is it because …hhhmmmm…whats the word … in thamil we call this 'varatthu gowravam' what's the translation uh?..give me money and I will tell…or show some interest and listen to me…I will n\u003dtell.\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>poor Baskaran had to do time for nothing…you all (Bush Fire and Little Mermaid) should be in PUDU – the former oldest prison in the world (I think)…Prime Minister Abdullah, can we do something about these muslim hating god forsaken man called BUSH?\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Is it true that the world is ruled by this minority jews who control major financial market of the world…saw what soros did…I think there's something fishy here..spielberg (or iceberg) are you too involved …I am pissed off with you because you no longer show your movies [my favorites next to Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings Director – my hero)] in Malaysia. \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Just because Dr. Mahathir (then PM of Malaysia) wanted to censor that one scene (people running around naked when the nazi officer shoots poor jews – my heart ached when I read Schlindlers List and watched that movie in….Singapore (Singapore-you deserve another chapter you piss-drinking, sterile-communists-as-my-ex\u003cWBR\>-friend-sharon-calls), (how are you Bala Subra of Singapore – you wanted to lick me right?)) ..ooopsss….I am lying about watching Schlindlers List in Singapore, enlightened women cannot lie..sorry..but wont tell/cannot share/maybe arrested under ISA,1995 – is it? \n",1]

Whats with this jews and Israel uh! Why can't you all give that small piece of land to the poor ppl of Palestine…stingy like my sisters valar and van is it? Why so stingy…who is their main man now…Arial (little mermaid) Sharon (Hariharan) or whom? Wsas too long in my head to keep abreast with the world…since …former ganja addiction….now I am …why Arial (little mermaid) were you so stubborn with the poor people of Palestine…thye are suffering like my paving… is it because …hhhmmmm…whats the word … in thamil we call this 'varatthu gowravam' what's the translation uh?..give me money and I will tell…or show some interest and listen to me…I will n=tell.
poor Baskaran had to do time for nothing…you all (Bush Fire and Little Mermaid) should be in PUDU – the former oldest prison in the world (I think)…Prime Minister Abdullah, can we do something about these muslim hating god forsaken man called BUSH?
Is it true that the world is ruled by this minority jews who control major financial market of the world…saw what soros did…I think there's something fishy here..spielberg (or iceberg) are you too involved …I am pissed off with you because you no longer show your movies [my favorites next to Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings Director – my hero)] in Malaysia.
Just because Dr. Mahathir (then PM of Malaysia) wanted to censor that one scene (people running around naked when the nazi officer shoots poor jews – my heart ached when I read Schlindlers List and watched that movie in….Singapore (Singapore-you deserve another chapter you piss-drinking, sterile-communists-as-my-ex-friend-sharon-calls), (how are you Bala Subra of Singapore – you wanted to lick me right?)) ..ooopsss….I am lying about watching Schlindlers List in Singapore, enlightened women cannot lie..sorry..but wont tell/cannot share/maybe arrested under ISA,1995 – is it?
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Mr. Iceberg, why must you must deprive us of the joy of watching all good movies? I hate you? I have to huddle like a thief at …to buy…CDs at…just necasue of you…can't I watch it decently in a cinema – big screens, sound systems, chachos and vanilla cocks (oops cokes) are absolute joy… is it…power play? Is it…or ego…maybe your cock is too small that's why you're trying to show power play with us small Malaysian…don't you understand that we are sensitive to naked bodies..we are yet to evolve…have some understanding man…. \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>What's with yuou men…akka, come lets take them all to task… they go around making arrangements shaking hands or fighting and what-not (perhaps womanizing …Tan Sri Razali….am coming after you too…) and who is suffering. Dunno about him…I love him too…he was and still is my hero…WHY? Coz he was in the UN that's all not because we fucked or that I've seen his cock. We give these bastards power, our tax money and our consumer money…what do they do to us…fuck our ASS! \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>This is what our world is facing…we need a women leader…in &*^$R#&*Y^E of course United Nations …somebody to empower these sleepy heads…what the hell are they doing with our monies…arguing over a single word for 3 days in a 10 day International Conventions…? Have you any idea what goes on around the tables of International Conventions..all you see is big words, technical jargons and big shots…baruahs argue over I word and finish up gallons of cofeee they buy with our monies. I was there in Costa Rica, in 1998 (is it…baskaran give me back my files) during the International Conference on Wetlands (or Ramsar – you want to know why – give me money – Convention on Wetlands)..I was initially exhilarated but now I know their techniques..thye use big words, technical jargons, boring tones and put you to sleep, get you to sign at that somnolent state…wallah (or ya allah!)…the money is in their pockets for them and their cronies…probably taken to womenize around the world…/\n",1]

Mr. Iceberg, why must you must deprive us of the joy of watching all good movies? I hate you? I have to huddle like a thief at …to buy…CDs at…just necasue of you…can't I watch it decently in a cinema – big screens, sound systems, chachos and vanilla cocks (oops cokes) are absolute joy… is it…power play? Is it…or ego…maybe your cock is too small that's why you're trying to show power play with us small Malaysian…don't you understand that we are sensitive to naked bodies..we are yet to evolve…have some understanding man….
What's with yuou men…akka, come lets take them all to task… they go around making arrangements shaking hands or fighting and what-not (perhaps womanizing …Tan Sri Razali….am coming after you too…) and who is suffering. Dunno about him…I love him too…he was and still is my hero…WHY? Coz he was in the UN that's all not because we fucked or that I've seen his cock. We give these bastards power, our tax money and our consumer money…what do they do to us…fuck our ASS!
This is what our world is facing…we need a women leader…in &*^$R#&*Y^E of course United Nations …somebody to empower these sleepy heads…what the hell are they doing with our monies…arguing over a single word for 3 days in a 10 day International Conventions…? Have you any idea what goes on around the tables of International Conventions..all you see is big words, technical jargons and big shots…baruahs argue over I word and finish up gallons of cofeee they buy with our monies. I was there in Costa Rica, in 1998 (is it…baskaran give me back my files) during the International Conference on Wetlands (or Ramsar – you want to know why – give me money – Convention on Wetlands)..I was initially exhilarated but now I know their techniques..thye use big words, technical jargons, boring tones and put you to sleep, get you to sign at that somnolent state…wallah (or ya allah!)…the money is in their pockets for them and their cronies…probably taken to womenize around the world…/
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Oi…Bush.. (am laughing away) what are you doing to CNN man….what's with your IRAQ or IRAN story all the time…stop messing with the muslims and do something more real like plugging the hole in the sky. Do you know that the sky (ozone layer) is our roof…idiot…what happens when there's no roof at your white house? What happens? You're in danger right? You get wet (oopss..I am not) right? Your … are you wearing a toupeh Mr. Bush (like Dr. Samy VEllu…Doc. you don't look handsome with that on – remove it – accept yourself and be yourself and I will love you more – I have accepted myself for what I am … I no longer shave my you know what just because baskaran likes it that way..and am very happy…I had and hated Venus Shaving I don't have a shaving blade in my possession at Pelita and I look hairy and divine) or is your hair real hair? Its just that I saw your photo featured along side a chimp in Jay Leno late night talk show and could't see the difference much…\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Oi…Bush…why don't you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL…Why uh! Mr. Bush, why don't you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL… sob! sob! is it to support your money making cronies … have you reduced your countries carbon emission…or have you carted it off to some poor countries…You can do so much for humankind, instead you're wasting your time running after the turbans…why? Are you an IDIOT or WHAT? Oh! oh! I better ask the local expert…what's his name…MR. Lim Kok Wee is it…the former Director General (is it?) of the Malaysian MEtereological Services…did they sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL already? Last I knew … in 2004…they still did not… \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Do you want to know what THE KYOTO PROTOCOL Is? Ask Faizal Duncan Parish? He's the NGO expert on Climate Change. If you need me to explain more, please get me my precious files from Baskaran? I have so much to say and that idiot is hoarding my database – my second mind (or the 10\n",1]

Oi…Bush.. (am laughing away) what are you doing to CNN man….what's with your IRAQ or IRAN story all the time…stop messing with the muslims and do something more real like plugging the hole in the sky. Do you know that the sky (ozone layer) is our roof…idiot…what happens when there's no roof at your white house? What happens? You're in danger right? You get wet (oopss..I am not) right? Your … are you wearing a toupeh Mr. Bush (like Dr. Samy VEllu…Doc. you don't look handsome with that on – remove it – accept yourself and be yourself and I will love you more – I have accepted myself for what I am … I no longer shave my you know what just because baskaran likes it that way..and am very happy…I had and hated Venus Shaving I don't have a shaving blade in my possession at Pelita and I look hairy and divine) or is your hair real hair? Its just that I saw your photo featured along side a chimp in Jay Leno late night talk show and could't see the difference much…
Oi…Bush…why don't you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL…Why uh! Mr. Bush, why don't you sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL… sob! sob! is it to support your money making cronies … have you reduced your countries carbon emission…or have you carted it off to some poor countries…You can do so much for humankind, instead you're wasting your time running after the turbans…why? Are you an IDIOT or WHAT? Oh! oh! I better ask the local expert…what's his name…MR. Lim Kok Wee is it…the former Director General (is it?) of the Malaysian MEtereological Services…did they sign the KYOTO PROTOCOL already? Last I knew … in 2004…they still did not…
Do you want to know what THE KYOTO PROTOCOL Is? Ask Faizal Duncan Parish? He's the NGO expert on Climate Change. If you need me to explain more, please get me my precious files from Baskaran? I have so much to say and that idiot is hoarding my database – my second mind (or the 10
th\u003c/sup\> mind)…Am hotnowneedaircond…am so pissed off with Mr.Bush…shall we hao\u003dlkdant bhimame nowwwwoa.ha!ha!ha!ha!\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Do you know that Developed Countries can help conserve peat swamp forests at developing or poor countries and calculate how much carbon they can store…then they go and produce that amount in their country. How? What do you think your factories emit..what do you think you emit…what do you think plants emit during the day when they produce food through photosyntheses (what spelling?) and Carbon! At least the plants and trees do their part by emitting oxygen at night when they are sleeping (right) what do we do…we take and take and take…what do we do in return…no need to do-lah…at least don't lah take until there's nothing to take…DO NOT BE GREEDY WITH THE ENVIRONMENT..we can be greedy with everything else I agree (as with our late OSHO – do you know he ones bought 93 rolls Royce at US in a single – read more) even sex is ok…you can even fuck 10 at a time – if you have no problems with it or don't feel guilty about it – but NEVER TAKE TOO MUCH FROM THE ENVIRONMENT…we have no where else to go to…oi Bush really you are sending people to Mars or cheating us?\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Anyway, carbon causes a hole in the sky. Can we stop breathing? No! So what do we do…reduce other carbon emitting stuff right? What have you done to our world BUSH? You are taking advantage of the voiceless environment. \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Ask all about carbon trading…you buy peat forests (carbon store) from developing/poor countries and use up that much in your country – you continue to pollute the air with your factories/cars/etc…Faizal enlighten these idiots…who comes up with such arrangements and who agrees to it…the minorities of poor/developing countries are bullied/paid – perhaps under-table money for this right? What is happening to this world? Why is everyone ASLEEP just like Ms. wani ofsadkfawwtaeweg, Did you understand what I am saying wani?\n",1]

th mind)…Am hotnowneedaircond…am so pissed off with Mr.Bush…shall we hao=lkdant bhimame nowwwwoa.ha!ha!ha!ha!
Do you know that Developed Countries can help conserve peat swamp forests at developing or poor countries and calculate how much carbon they can store…then they go and produce that amount in their country. How? What do you think your factories emit..what do you think you emit…what do you think plants emit during the day when they produce food through photosyntheses (what spelling?) and Carbon! At least the plants and trees do their part by emitting oxygen at night when they are sleeping (right) what do we do…we take and take and take…what do we do in return…no need to do-lah…at least don't lah take until there's nothing to take…DO NOT BE GREEDY WITH THE ENVIRONMENT..we can be greedy with everything else I agree (as with our late OSHO – do you know he ones bought 93 rolls Royce at US in a single – read more) even sex is ok…you can even fuck 10 at a time – if you have no problems with it or don't feel guilty about it – but NEVER TAKE TOO MUCH FROM THE ENVIRONMENT…we have no where else to go to…oi Bush really you are sending people to Mars or cheating us?
Anyway, carbon causes a hole in the sky. Can we stop breathing? No! So what do we do…reduce other carbon emitting stuff right? What have you done to our world BUSH? You are taking advantage of the voiceless environment.
Ask all about carbon trading…you buy peat forests (carbon store) from developing/poor countries and use up that much in your country – you continue to pollute the air with your factories/cars/etc…Faizal enlighten these idiots…who comes up with such arrangements and who agrees to it…the minorities of poor/developing countries are bullied/paid – perhaps under-table money for this right? What is happening to this world? Why is everyone ASLEEP just like Ms. wani ofsadkfawwtaeweg, Did you understand what I am saying wani?
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Peat forests…where do I begin…why is there a hole in our roof? MY ROOF? Because of some gases that we use – they are called greenhouse gases – they are Cloro-floro-carbon, etc…need to recall more but to my understanding now..(more later) its mostly carbon…this is the fucker that is causing our ozone layer to deteriorate (do you know this word wani?) that means its thinning and I think at some parts there are holes - experts are not telling us the truth..why…they don't know…tell me who is going to the sky with a measuring tape? TELL ME WHO IS GOING TO THE SKY WITH A MEASURING TAPE? Can the satellites that roam the earth (probably peeping into peoples houses) identify these holes, take pix of them and show us? Can someone show me the hole in my roof? What is the evidence that there is a hole in the sky? Who is the expert? How do you know these things? Is science developed enough to know about the environment/nature/existence?\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>No One can know these things unless they meditate and/do astral traveling … science is not that advance to measure our climate or environment or nature or EXISTENCE, you don't even know what's roaming at the basement of your mind…you don't even know what happens when you die…oohhhhhoooohhhhh…amaravathy\u003cWBR\>,…. we…are…..waiting….fior fdsfayuoiououo…!\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>We are wasting our money…what we need to do is… chronological order (I think)…when we prove that the hole is true ..prove to whom? To the rakyat (malay word for public (not pubic as my late/former boss Mr. Menon wants it to be..)\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Mr. Menon, what did you do with the funds you collected from HSBC and BBMB – worth RM1M – with the help of then, Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin (as you aptly say that he's in your pocket, or is it?..forgot as stml due to former ganja addiction) that you collected to do up the PAYA INDAH WETLAND SANCTUARY…you finished it wehre? London? Paris? Where ? oi…Mr.Menon, what did you do with the RM1million that you collected for those poor wetland eco-system…can they ask you?...haunt you…no…but I can…and I am…I am their voice…answer me …dei Menon…\n",1]

Peat forests…where do I begin…why is there a hole in our roof? MY ROOF? Because of some gases that we use – they are called greenhouse gases – they are Cloro-floro-carbon, etc…need to recall more but to my understanding now..(more later) its mostly carbon…this is the fucker that is causing our ozone layer to deteriorate (do you know this word wani?) that means its thinning and I think at some parts there are holes - experts are not telling us the truth..why…they don't know…tell me who is going to the sky with a measuring tape? TELL ME WHO IS GOING TO THE SKY WITH A MEASURING TAPE? Can the satellites that roam the earth (probably peeping into peoples houses) identify these holes, take pix of them and show us? Can someone show me the hole in my roof? What is the evidence that there is a hole in the sky? Who is the expert? How do you know these things? Is science developed enough to know about the environment/nature/existence?
No One can know these things unless they meditate and/do astral traveling … science is not that advance to measure our climate or environment or nature or EXISTENCE, you don't even know what's roaming at the basement of your mind…you don't even know what happens when you die…oohhhhhoooohhhhh…amaravathy,…. we…are…..waiting….fior fdsfayuoiououo…!
We are wasting our money…what we need to do is… chronological order (I think)…when we prove that the hole is true ..prove to whom? To the rakyat (malay word for public (not pubic as my late/former boss Mr. Menon wants it to be..)
Mr. Menon, what did you do with the funds you collected from HSBC and BBMB – worth RM1M – with the help of then, Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin (as you aptly say that he's in your pocket, or is it?..forgot as stml due to former ganja addiction) that you collected to do up the PAYA INDAH WETLAND SANCTUARY…you finished it wehre? London? Paris? Where ? oi…Mr.Menon, what did you do with the RM1million that you collected for those poor wetland eco-system…can they ask you?...haunt you…no…but I can…and I am…I am their voice…answer me …dei Menon…
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Back to hole in my roof..first…\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>a. enlighten rakyat on what's with the hole…show the measuring tape that you took up to the sky and tell us how you measured the hole…no more technical jargon to cheat us..say it as it I am saying now…english/malay/tamil please…\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>1. Publish the list of all products that cause the hole in the sky (MY ROOF) to deteriorate.\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>2. Inform the public of how important this is?\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>3. Teach the public what to do – stop using/buying/supporting them.\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>4. Publish the list of bastards that produce such products.\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>5. Hit the heads of these fuckers with chairs or go after them with parangs and daggers…they need to be taken to task.\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Now…is this so difficult? What's the point of going to MARS if we can't do simple things like this? Who is running this world? It now needs a women and I am here…take me! President Bush…answer this…is your country fit to run/rule the world\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I still think this is not enough because time has come for science to merge with spirituality…all those green-house-gas-emission\u003cWBR\>-product-producers and environmental-experts and politicians…come see me and sit and meditate with me…I will take you places…I think I need to run out of the room now…ha!ha! COME SEE ME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS! Am running out now…to PELITA to be with the rakyat…\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Before that…go to KINOKUNIYA and order OSHO's book "AWARENESS – A coureagous way to live (is it?…Baskaran Fucker … give me OSHOs books…he needs me now). They managed to order some book for me but failed after sometime … perhaps blocked …just like all my email accounts…WHO BLOCKED ALL MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS AND CUT ME OFF THE WORLD… is it you BASKARAN… ada balls-kah? WHO? Why don't you come and see me in person…I am such a frail looking abused/Indian/exd-maijuana",1]

Back to hole in my roof..first…
a. enlighten rakyat on what's with the hole…show the measuring tape that you took up to the sky and tell us how you measured the hole…no more technical jargon to cheat us..say it as it I am saying now…english/malay/tamil please…
1. Publish the list of all products that cause the hole in the sky (MY ROOF) to deteriorate.
2. Inform the public of how important this is?
3. Teach the public what to do – stop using/buying/supporting them.
4. Publish the list of bastards that produce such products.
5. Hit the heads of these fuckers with chairs or go after them with parangs and daggers…they need to be taken to task.
Now…is this so difficult? What's the point of going to MARS if we can't do simple things like this? Who is running this world? It now needs a women and I am here…take me! President Bush…answer this…is your country fit to run/rule the world
I still think this is not enough because time has come for science to merge with spirituality…all those green-house-gas-emission-product-producers and environmental-experts and politicians…come see me and sit and meditate with me…I will take you places…I think I need to run out of the room now…ha!ha! COME SEE ME IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS! Am running out now…to PELITA to be with the rakyat…
Before that…go to KINOKUNIYA and order OSHO's book "AWARENESS – A coureagous way to live (is it?…Baskaran Fucker … give me OSHOs books…he needs me now). They managed to order some book for me but failed after sometime … perhaps blocked …just like all my email accounts…WHO BLOCKED ALL MY EMAIL ACCOUNTS AND CUT ME OFF THE WORLD… is it you BASKARAN… ada balls-kah? WHO? Why don't you come and see me in person…I am such a frail looking abused/Indian/exd-maijuana
-addict/fromthegodforsakentowno\u003cWBR\>fKUalaPilah…actually full of god as nature is still intact…GET ME BASKARAN…. 30 pages coming on you son-of-a-bitch….he!he!he! Dunno wat am sying… Bye\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\> \u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>This was my plea to the TOYOTA FOUNDATION…\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\u003cb\>\u003cu\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial Black\"\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>8. Reason why a Toyota Foundation Grant is needed?\u003c/p\>\u003c/font\>\u003c/u\>\u003c/b\> \n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>(Why is funding from a private foundation necessary?) \u003cfont face\u003d\"Times New Roman\"\>I too bought into the story until just now…we need to see the measuring tape first…whats with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – those fuckers with the measuring tape and money..soo much of our monies – give them to osho's ashram in Bombay so they can sit and meditate and tell you what to do - another chapter on you.. fucker bush fire …that's for killing worlds most important asset, he knew the answer you IDIOT…now I know!)\n\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Times New Roman\"\>\u003c/font\>\u003c/p\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial Black\"\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>The loss of ozone layer means annihilation of the human race and all that we love. We need all the funds available for the environment to protect the thin layer of atmosphere that is protecting human race. Most of the Southeast Asian governments are still combating poverty alleviation. As such funding from private foundations is absolutely necessary to address challenges related to the environment, especially the climate change as it involves the entire human race. \n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Toyota Foundation have always cared for the well being of the earth and its people by providing funds to minority groups who need it most (I was just being polite – I think you have no idea what \u003cu\>priority\n\u003c/u\> is). As such we believe that the voice of the neglected Southeast Asia will be heard and the importance of protecting the ozone layer will be felt as much as the minority Civil Society Organisations ",1]

-addict/fromthegodforsakentownofKUalaPilah…actually full of god as nature is still intact…GET ME BASKARAN…. 30 pages coming on you son-of-a-bitch….he!he!he! Dunno wat am sying… Bye

This was my plea to the TOYOTA FOUNDATION…
8. Reason why a Toyota Foundation Grant is needed?
(Why is funding from a private foundation necessary?) I too bought into the story until just now…we need to see the measuring tape first…whats with UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – those fuckers with the measuring tape and money..soo much of our monies – give them to osho's ashram in Bombay so they can sit and meditate and tell you what to do - another chapter on you.. fucker bush fire …that's for killing worlds most important asset, he knew the answer you IDIOT…now I know!)
The loss of ozone layer means annihilation of the human race and all that we love. We need all the funds available for the environment to protect the thin layer of atmosphere that is protecting human race. Most of the Southeast Asian governments are still combating poverty alleviation. As such funding from private foundations is absolutely necessary to address challenges related to the environment, especially the climate change as it involves the entire human race.
Toyota Foundation have always cared for the well being of the earth and its people by providing funds to minority groups who need it most (I was just being polite – I think you have no idea what priority is). As such we believe that the voice of the neglected Southeast Asia will be heard and the importance of protecting the ozone layer will be felt as much as the minority Civil Society Organisations
\u003c/font\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Times New Roman\"\>\n(just found out that they represent not the actual Civil Society Org. but government bodies – Faizal and Mr.Chee Tong Yew and Dr.Sundari know more about this…ask them please…ASK THEM…I can't because they're my friends –if they still want me..) \n\u003c/font\>\u003cfont face\u003d\"Arial Black\"\>in the region. \n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Let's join hands in saving our sky. \u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>---------\u003c/p\>\u003c/font\>\u003cb\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Change your ways and behave yourself\u003c/p\>\u003c/b\>. This is my message to the society at large. At large because it is a very large message and we are going to tear it down to atomic size. A voice just asked me where have you been Amaravathy and I answered 'DEAD'. Let them ask me what it is ---who? –society! We are all DEAD! WE need to FEEL again. To all Indians out there ' Listen to the following song that Mohan mimicked for Revathy in this…. my short term memory lost due to marijuana addiction is not at all good for the society because I have a message to give …."once again, go to the CD shop above the restaurant that is opposite Laxmi Narayan Restaurant (can't remember names at all) and buy yes…Utahaya Geetham movie…Mohan mimicked THIS Song From a Prison to Revathy "can't remember as the Tamil news at the back is disturbing my flow of thought"… YEA…it sounds 'ithayam oru kovil, athil uthayam oru pahdal'…this is me. I just found new meaning to it, sitting here at the reception of this cheap hotel in the company of an Indian man from Chennai – he's at the other side of the desk…just hold your suppressed thoughts…he's very decently reading Part 1 & 2 of the story of my life…just see how suppressed my mind is…GOSH!- Anyway I cried here just now thinking of what I was doing to Baskaran because I know that he was such a private person…liar…you became famous before me and made it big right…in newspapers way back … I won't make it easy for the media…let them do some work…. As if they are interested…they rather …. Never mind….no time/\n\n",1]

(just found out that they represent not the actual Civil Society Org. but government bodies – Faizal and Mr.Chee Tong Yew and Dr.Sundari know more about this…ask them please…ASK THEM…I can't because they're my friends –if they still want me..) in the region.
Let's join hands in saving our sky.
Change your ways and behave yourself
. This is my message to the society at large. At large because it is a very large message and we are going to tear it down to atomic size. A voice just asked me where have you been Amaravathy and I answered 'DEAD'. Let them ask me what it is ---who? –society! We are all DEAD! WE need to FEEL again. To all Indians out there ' Listen to the following song that Mohan mimicked for Revathy in this…. my short term memory lost due to marijuana addiction is not at all good for the society because I have a message to give …."once again, go to the CD shop above the restaurant that is opposite Laxmi Narayan Restaurant (can't remember names at all) and buy yes…Utahaya Geetham movie…Mohan mimicked THIS Song From a Prison to Revathy "can't remember as the Tamil news at the back is disturbing my flow of thought"… YEA…it sounds 'ithayam oru kovil, athil uthayam oru pahdal'…this is me. I just found new meaning to it, sitting here at the reception of this cheap hotel in the company of an Indian man from Chennai – he's at the other side of the desk…just hold your suppressed thoughts…he's very decently reading Part 1 & 2 of the story of my life…just see how suppressed my mind is…GOSH!- Anyway I cried here just now thinking of what I was doing to Baskaran because I know that he was such a private person…liar…you became famous before me and made it big right…in newspapers way back … I won't make it easy for the media…let them do some work…. As if they are interested…they rather …. Never mind….no time/
\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>Oh! Baskaran … what have I done to you. Am I sounding like an Indian Drama Queen? Is this what you want? Baskaran I am not at all affected but what am I doing to YOURSELF! I am killing you to recreate an independent and better person. Die today. Wake up tomorrow different. Don't give a FUCK to what this people say about us. It was our life and I am proud of it. I am better today because of you. Thank you. Tell them to FUCK OFF! I almost did to a journalist from Star called Wani (I have now)…I have a message and all she was interested is in my marijuana addiction … her question "Did your husband beat you up in addition to getting you hooked on marijuana". Such a bitch. Ask them all to fuck Off. She didn't even read my story This is the kind of society we live in. I said all those nasty things about you to get the attention of the media. Now that I have it, I will tell the truth. We did marijuana together, you were a bad influence but you did not force me. NO ONE CAN FORCE ME AS I AM FORCE OF NATURE AS ALL WOMEN ARE WHEN THEY ARE AWAKE. I am an independent women with her mind of my own. I quit without anyones help right? What does this say? I could have done it anytime but I didn't because I was having a good time with you and did not want it to end because our relationship was a ganja relationship and I am proud of it. For those of you who have not experienced a ganja session, go to Bukit Bintang, Jalan Alor and ask the parking attendants there, please give them RM50 (minimum) and they will give you something worth RM20 until they trust you enough to get you more. Why don't Wani try some, perhaps she may understand that marijuana addicts do not beat their wives but have some and give them a good lick/blow. Learn before you call and ask cocked up questions. Very sneakily she threw my ex-friiends name who were and is journalists at the STAR Shamala Velu and Grace Chin. Where are you Shamala? Hiding under Singams sarong? I am laughing so hard as I am writing this because I have no idea if Singam wears Sarong! Why is our local media so FUCKED UP? Don't you keep abreast with what is happening at world at large. Come out of the dark corners of your mind and embrace the sun. We need light in these moments of dark and desolate period. Now I remember…Bob Marley my ganja fellow partner said…let me repeat this again\n",1]

Oh! Baskaran … what have I done to you. Am I sounding like an Indian Drama Queen? Is this what you want? Baskaran I am not at all affected but what am I doing to YOURSELF! I am killing you to recreate an independent and better person. Die today. Wake up tomorrow different. Don't give a FUCK to what this people say about us. It was our life and I am proud of it. I am better today because of you. Thank you. Tell them to FUCK OFF! I almost did to a journalist from Star called Wani (I have now)…I have a message and all she was interested is in my marijuana addiction … her question "Did your husband beat you up in addition to getting you hooked on marijuana". Such a bitch. Ask them all to fuck Off. She didn't even read my story This is the kind of society we live in. I said all those nasty things about you to get the attention of the media. Now that I have it, I will tell the truth. We did marijuana together, you were a bad influence but you did not force me. NO ONE CAN FORCE ME AS I AM FORCE OF NATURE AS ALL WOMEN ARE WHEN THEY ARE AWAKE. I am an independent women with her mind of my own. I quit without anyones help right? What does this say? I could have done it anytime but I didn't because I was having a good time with you and did not want it to end because our relationship was a ganja relationship and I am proud of it. For those of you who have not experienced a ganja session, go to Bukit Bintang, Jalan Alor and ask the parking attendants there, please give them RM50 (minimum) and they will give you something worth RM20 until they trust you enough to get you more. Why don't Wani try some, perhaps she may understand that marijuana addicts do not beat their wives but have some and give them a good lick/blow. Learn before you call and ask cocked up questions. Very sneakily she threw my ex-friiends name who were and is journalists at the STAR Shamala Velu and Grace Chin. Where are you Shamala? Hiding under Singams sarong? I am laughing so hard as I am writing this because I have no idea if Singam wears Sarong! Why is our local media so FUCKED UP? Don't you keep abreast with what is happening at world at large. Come out of the dark corners of your mind and embrace the sun. We need light in these moments of dark and desolate period. Now I remember…Bob Marley my ganja fellow partner said…let me repeat this again
\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY BUT NONE OURSELVES CAN FREE OUR MIND! HAVE NO FEAR FOR ATOMIC ENERGY COZ NONE OF US CAN FIGHT THE TIME! HOW LONG SHALL WE KILL OUR PROPHETS WHILE WE STAND ASIDE AND LOOK…i miss you osho…i am OSHO back to haunt you BUSH!\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>I am not going to read this before publishing it because one of myself may delete this (accidentally as I have …article on danes and me…aiyah…will rewrite later…not now as the ENVIRONMENT/NATURE/EXISTENCE need me…OSHOs LOVER!\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>am scared…i think i will die if not for the support of restoran nasi kandar pelita at Kuala Lumpur in the vicinity of Ampang Point….oooohhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhh\u003cWBR\>hhhhhh sob! sob! the world is dying and all we care about is killing prophets and going after turbans and women…where is justice …who is going to be the voice of the environment/nature/existence…I AM as I AM PART OF NATURE: EXISTENCE:GOD:YOU ARE TOO MY FELLOW SIBLINGS FROM MY HOME EARTH THAT HAS A ROOF:OUR SKY.\n\u003c/p\>\n\u003cp align\u003d\"justify\"\>012-292 0107\u003c/p\>\u003c/div\>\n",0]

I am not going to read this before publishing it because one of myself may delete this (accidentally as I have …article on danes and me…aiyah…will rewrite later…not now as the ENVIRONMENT/NATURE/EXISTENCE need me…OSHOs LOVER!
am scared…i think i will die if not for the support of restoran nasi kandar pelita at Kuala Lumpur in the vicinity of Ampang Point….oooohhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh sob! sob! the world is dying and all we care about is killing prophets and going after turbans and women…where is justice …who is going to be the voice of the environment/nature/existence…I AM as I AM PART OF NATURE: EXISTENCE:GOD:YOU ARE TOO MY FELLOW SIBLINGS FROM MY HOME EARTH THAT HAS A ROOF:OUR SKY.
012-292 0107