Thursday, May 31, 2007

AMARAVATHY EXPOSED - PART 3 (All Parts are Un-abreviated Versions)

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I really am not sure because at that time, I believe Valarmathy was already married to Sathiamoorthy and have begun to live in hell. Isn’t our world a living HELL.


Please ignore the above … they’re being created … later…lets expose me first

Dear Friends,

Due to the shocking nature of the way this article has flowed, I will not be expecting any response from you as I have just decided not to check my emails and/or communicate with the public until I am accepted for who I am. How? I don’t know. I leave it to you…please support/nourish me to continue my work.


I love talking but I have gone into silence because I don’t want my flow to be cut…alas I need to order food and when I meet cute mouth moves on its on…how

I am listening to a very solemn hindi song and the melody is so beautiful that I feel so sad, my heart hurts and I am quiet… now that its over, lets move on…just observe how contradictory I am…the world must know…r u prepared for me

Do you know I title my articles after writing them as I don’t know what’s gonna come pouring out from the basement/up-above-within/without/…….flow is cut…coz someone just snapped a pix – don’t know of who and I don’t care!

A voice in my head just asked me (my apple juice found its way to my table and the waiter is writing the price of my Nescafe which I had at don’t know what time…don’t know what time I came here)

‘amaravathy….ooohhh…be careful…people are wondering what you’re writing…they might get upset with us….’

My answer to you ‘don’t’ I have the right to sit wherever I want to type whatever I want? Isn’t this world free?

Friends, …Isn’t the world a stage and me the …what…what did shakespear (shake the pear) said ‘am laughing so hard’ …. ACTOR? Are we all actors? What a load of crab? Please re-think what ‘shake the pear’ said…ha!ha!ha!I AM SO HAPPY TODAY. I think I found another piece of myself today. The more I write the more I am recreating myself.

Friends, What a beautiful world and what a beautiful time I am having…my voice says…tell the truth…ANOTHER VOICE SAYS…the truth is ‘WE ARE BEAUTIFUL’…who is we? WE=I.

What’s the date today? Lemme check my friend OSHO….4.29am
I have just completed the piece below and its 4.05am at Restaurant Nasi Kandar Pelita and the ambience is festive…really…you should be here…its absolutely fun. The place is filled with beautiful people of Malaysia having a wonderful time with their companions and friends. I am sitting here with my best friend – my notebook and having a gala time writing and reading…I LOVE MYSELF as I have had such a colorful life in this country full of colourful people/food/places/beaches/bitches/bastards – just like anywhere else – minus the beach – they are absolutely magnificent…must tell you ..

UNLIKE WHAT THE SHAKE THE PEAR SAID ‘all the world is my home and all its people are my siblings’…lovely isn’t it. I have so much of compassion to offer, please don’t mess me up (please read ( on the treachery of a local indian journalist.

FINALLY I can say that I have very little regrets…. My regret is that I’ve had 2 abortions – both in my twenties (I took awhile to think about it because I have short term memory loss (stml) due to ganja addiction…people are watching me but do I care? I don’t because I am comfortable with myself…are you? Have you got skeletons in your cupboard? I think Nigel Williams talked about it in his fiction ‘Wimbledon Poisoner’ ..(thanks for that book Sharon) … you want to know what’s it about? It’s all about this guy scheming ways to murder his wife and there’s just one piece of dark humour that comes to my mind right now..its all about dark humour

“this guy jumps over the fence, sneaks into his neighbor’s house to don’t know what. Then this fat women of a neighbor – single lady – comes home. Guess where he hides? In her cupboard (am laughing) in her bedroom amidst her large clothes and peeps out. She comes homes, switches on the music in her bedroom with him watching, “wan tana mera….ariya wan tana mera…’, strips off all her clothes and dances like a whore (ooopppsss…paid sex worker – what a mouth full)…I don’t know why but this scene has seen me through some sad times as it makes me snigger…it makes me happy…wonder why?

Coz she’s fat and he was a captive …ha!ha! now I know…padan muke (in English it means serves you right)…ha!ha! Baskaran you must kena (means ‘get’) one like this ….ha!ha!ha! Have I gone politically incorrect here…please advice…I don’t mean offence to any party and I APOLOGIZE TO ALL FAT PEOPLE OF THE EARTH INCLUDING MY MOTHER …sorry!

I am shaking in laughter but must control as the public here is not ready for me…already they are talking about me sitting in this little corner jabbing away sniggering/laughing .. one man just mimicked me typing to his friends…don’t know what he means…they must think I am a drama queen – just as the wani from the STAR thought I was…coz women in their 40s (will be turning 40 on 18/7/1967 – more another time) love to sit alone in crowded nasi kandar places alone, at 4am and type away is it? Jealous is it? Why don’t you leave your husbands warm …don’t know what and come here and be with me now…get to know me-lah before attacking….haiyah! what a waste…

Is his cock big enough for you…sorry ,…just couldn’t help it. Want to know the size of Baskaran’s cock….Did you know when you do pranayama (breathing exercise thought by Self Awareness Centre – is it still in operations?) they teach you to pull all your privates inwards for a count of 16 and outwards for another 16 with some other complex hand/finger movements… it goes on for about 20min (I think – forgot as I was a former ganja addict) … did you know what it did to me…I was doing it for about …am thinking…ganja addict ma (Chinese colloqial way of saying it)….1 year no 2 years and I got really tight…just deleted some stuff…the world is not ready for me….maybe later…when you get to know me and love me the way I love myself…are you ready for me? ARE YOU READY FOR ME?!@*&*&%$#@

Saw….there’s so much to tell…what to do….must prepare CV and apply for work…pay bills etc… give me money he!he!he! laughing and sniggering away…I am on the roll today…thank you wani … you have helped me find AMARAVATHY3 OSHO LOVER…

Do You Masturbate….reading this again, I almost choked on the apple juice.. maybe I shouldn’t read what I say before blogging (can we create this word…it sounds nice).

Enuff for now…I really hope that ….I think I should really stop now as I am attracting a lot of attention because I am cute and beautiful and am laughing alone with my friend the notebook – I am going to call her … what uh! What do you think? Of course OSHO…I wanted to write OSHO immediately but the voice in my head thought that I should ask you first… isn’t OSHO apt…you will agree with me later if not now……… keep reading me…you will unburden your unconscious…

there’s a real cute girl (malay) – small sized and cute assed (not better than mind) keeps turning her head to check out my exposed legs…do you think she would want to fuck me with a dildo…Baskaran, want to invite her for a threesome? Did you and Ravi kumar have 3some with GROs? Hhhmmmmmmmmm The world is not ready for me….I think I need protection. What do you think? Ha!ha! I AM A FORCE OF NATURE! I AM GOD! Don’t FUCK WITH ME PUBLIC…LEARN FROM ME AS I HAVE A MESSAGE TO GIVE…SCARY UH!

Now you know why I sit with a restaurant full of people to write about myself. Why do you think I sleep at 7am – 12 noon – when the sun goes up? I scare myself. I think the girls are Indonesian as they have olive colored skin…my favorite color…oops…I don’t want to fuck them, I am hetero…I only like dicks not cunts…aiyoh the world is really not ready for me…what to do-lah! Nuff for today I think…let see where the flow takes me…this is really fun you know….the voice says
“giveeee meeeeee meoeny………needdddddddddtoooooooooeataeeataeat”

Did you watch Tolkiens ‘Lord of the Rings”? My memory is really bad, actually the truth is I have not had good rest/sleep…will write another time about this … the elf queen at the woods of lothlorien, when she takes Frodo to the water basin and asks him to view his future…Frodo offers his RING to her and what happens…go watch…she grows so BIG and ECHO’s…I am not going to tell…go watch…the producer better give me money for food for this one…I think I maybe experiencing something like that…please write in and help me understand.

“A Women is more POWERFUL and EVIL as she is BEAUTIFUL and CAN have the Entire WORLD at her FEET …..” forgot…it will come …another time
We need a new ruling on breeding children and abusing them (as my 10 year old nephew Pavin/Hafez bin Abdullah). My beloved Pavithran, the only child I love is in pain and in need of help. I can’t help him yet as I need to be able to sustain myself first. This one is causing a lot of pain in my heart. That boy is crying out for help…GOD please help him. I am crying as I am writing this because he is suffering. He is an abused child – abused by his own mother who left him unattended at her mom’s poor home in an estate at the tender age of 3 month old. Since then he has been picked by his father and dragged all over Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur including pubs and at places that shows porn. He was left unattended for days at strangers house until he was 3 years old.

I took care of him and loved him from the age of 1 – 2 years old. Baskaran manipulated me into believing that the boy is the responsibility of my brother. Apparently my brother ought to be though the responsibility of being a single parent. So we moved out from the flats that I have been renting from my cousin Kalai (would family members charge their own kind?) to an apartment that Baskaran is still staying at (I’m not sure where he’s staying now). This arrangement suited me fine because my brother started abusing me once again – cheating me off money and selling my name to get business contracts, etc. People started calling me asking if my brother had stolen their slippers when he went there to do electrical/wiring work. I could not stand the abuse as my hair was turning white due to all the stress. More later….
Do you know that I need to color my hair every month because most of it had turned white? Actually it happened when Kazu moved into my low cost flats that I was renting from Kalai in 1998. I think we were there together for about 6 months before he went to Japan and decided continue his studies in Australia. Did you know that all my neighbors belong to a low income group of Indian and Kazu was the only foreigner. Can you imagine a short and stocky (very well built as he was a gym instructor) Japanese man with the most loveliest brown eyes I have even seen carting in and out of the low cost apartment holding my hands. I then, used to dress in jeans and tee-shirt mostly as I was not bothered much about the way I looked. It was fascinating because Kazu wanted to learn so much about Indians and thought that I was exotic. I wish I can share some fuck stories here, unfortunately my guru will not allow it as it may offend some mild mannered readers. The world is not ready for me.

Now my guru has taken a different turn…

Now, what was Kazu doing with me at Pantai Dalam? We were having a jolly good time. Unfortunately I found it difficult to share my life with him as the house was too small and I needed bigger personal space. I started picking on him on minor, minor things that irritated me. For example, when he did his laundry, he would not mix the soap powder well in water that white substance were found at the bottom of pails. Poor man must have felt abused by my constant scowling at the way he did household chores. (I laughed until my spit shot out of my mouth on to OSHO’s keyboard). His clothes, since big and thick (most of them were from US where he studied) were most of the time damp and one of things I hate most in the world is damp clothes because they smell bad. Kazu was teaching English (I think) at the Japanese Institution at Mont Kiara and was living at Palm Court Studio Apartment when we met at the Sri Damansara gym frequented by my ex-friend Mania Herath.

When I went there for the first time with Manika (then, my gym was located at PJ Hilton – Clark Hatch) because I wanted to try a new establishment, I found Kazu’s eyes magnetic and we could not take our eyes off each other. I told Manika to arrange for us to meet...can’t remember… He too wanted to meet me through Manika but I was not interested because I was just happy being alone.

Manika, please confirm who did what ‘Manika Herath was a friend (Sri Lankan Buddhist and Malaysian who I met in 1988 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia – ‘National University of Malaysia’ when we were studying for Bachelor of Arts Degree) until earlier this year due to reasons I am not going to share with you as Manika is not going to be dragged into my darkside revealation/exposure..she’s married to the …severely in my opinion…most,most,most conservative man I’ve ever known on earth.

Well, you dig your own grave…you have no choice but to lie in it…I… hmmmm *sigh* what a world we live in… this is another story but am not touching it until I run out of resources … never…suddenly I feel so sober. Why? Cannot share. I am hurting, that’s why? Manika, Come Home to KL, I am here for YOU. You too didn’t know me Manika. What do you think of me now? Are you hiding under your bed for knowing/befriending me? Is Arjuna forcing you to go to work (I am writing this very quietly)?

However Polly, a girl of Chinese origin that (Sharon introduced me to) I had met with Sharon, wanted as companion as she was very, very lonely and unhappy. Hence I took Kazu on a date to Bangsar, met Polly there and feigned an urgent telephone call from Kalai my cousin [I had arranged with him to give me a call at that time – can’t remember what I told him to get him to do that – see, anneh (Tamil word for ‘big brother’), how easily you are manipulated] and left them there alone to get to know each other. I don’t know what happened between them but I believe they spend a weekend together and broke off. Actually I really don’t know and I don’t care. Kazu/Polly what happened uh? Polly told me but cannot remember…did you know that I never asked you anything about you and Polly and you never mentioned, why uh? Really, I don’t care. I think…..

However, Kazu continued to pursue me through Manika (I think) and we started dating. Before I met Kazu, I’ve had several sexual relationships with men. Actually I can’t remember any of the actual action except Baskaran, perhaps because it had lasted for 7 years and most of the times it was good. He was a calculative lover – ‘you give me one and I give you one’ – you know what I mean when I say that the society is not ready for me.

Actually my life is so colorful that I don’t know if I should talk about these issues but you must know me. Just before I met Kazu, I was having a sexual relationship with Parames – a young boy of 21 then – I would call it a short stint because I dumped him like a sack of potato outside the McDonalds at Bangsar – an affluent/hype/watering hole/pubs/expensive food/place in Kuala Lumpur. I am laughing as I am writing this because he made a very huge mistake … his friends had advised him that he had to control me because I consumed alcohol, smoked cigarettes, and laughed a lot..oh! forgot..danced a lot too- sexily and ….you-know-how. Apparently they all got together (all male members – probably scheming ways to control and manipulate women to do their bidding – sex slaves uh!?) and got drunk at Hotel Prince (I think) at Masjid India after their work at the IT department of the then, Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad (BBMB) now known as the CIMB (Baskaran pay the loan) Bank and guess what was the topic of discussion for the day – AMARAVATHY SIVALINGAM BEING LOOSE! AMARAVATHY MUST BE CONTROLLED! THE REPUTATION OF INDIAN COMMUNITY AT STAKE! LOCAL SUPPORT MUST BE RILED! AMARAVATHY MUST BE FORCED TO CHANGE HER WAYS!

When he spoke to me about it in the middle of the night (can’t remember)…
I just collected a few of his clothes that he had left at the low cost apartment that I was renting from Kalai, packed them a 1 big plastic bag and lugged them all the way to the office at Wetlands International (WI) located at Universiti Malaya (UM) then, asked him to come to McDonalds at Bangsar (don’t know who called who) after office hours, left the bag on his ‘kap chai’ motorbike (Honda 90cc – is it?) and left without a word. You should have seen his face. That was the most painful and satisfying moment for me. It was painful because I cared for him and had loved his body – he was a tae-kwan-do – martial artist - black belt champion (so he says?) – and kept his body very trim. However he turned out to remind me of my own family that I was running away from, then. Why was I running away from my own family?

Because they always wanted to control and manipulate me to get what they want. I had a very soft spot for them and they played on my emotions big time. Why? Because I’ve always felt guilty for the way I was conducting my life. Actually they made me feel guilty. Very sneakily my sister van or valar (valar was not much because she was too abused to breath outside her own home) or my brother Tambi enquiring if I was seen by the public drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes with a group of my male friends at Brickfields or Kajang, etc. Most of the time the information is true as I didn’t care about anything but my own freedom to do whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted with whoever I wanted. But such enquiries would suddenly make me feel as if a cockroach had crawled up on my feet…

I just ran out of the hotel room I was staying because that almost happened. A cockroach crawled onto the window sill and sat there for a long time observing my room and very suddenly jumped on the floor and started becoming very at home. What am I to do…as usual I ran …now I am typing this in a crowded Restaurant Nasi Kandar Pelita.

This article is a jumble of mix…don’t know when, what time, where I wrote them…its now 5.51am; May 26th 2007 – had to check 3 times as tired – can’t write coz lovely tamil song at the background and had moved around the restaurant 3 times as the boys are busy cleaning section by section of the restaurant…

However, I must confess that I used to hide behind my sun shades/dark glasses…I no longer need them, Even if the sun is burning through my very small skull! I no longer smoke, drink or abuse my lovely body – I was rebellious and ignorant that I was only hurting myself. Was that very, very wrong? We all make mistakes but we can’t learn if not for mistakes right?- many people have used this line and I think My external Guru Osho has mentioned in one of this books…as usual..Baskaran, please return my darling OSHOs books.
“You can wonder far away from home but that does not mean all love is lost!” translated from a tamil song – not direct –oh! My god! I think in Tamil a lot… that’s a revelation.

My bony ass is still hurting from all the sitting (Baskaran, would you like to see my ass now…you would get very turned on I think!) as the chairs in cheap restaurants are hard and cold just as Baskaran’s heart is. Why won’t you give me back my belongings. I need to prepare my CV to get a job. Why hasn’t Ms. Nisha called me (his latest conquest – lawyer – Ms. right – not married young or old lady? – anything goes right – fucker, your story is coming – its shaping itself as we speak..)? Please sms her email address – I want her to read this – how does her ass look Baskaran? I think you are the best ass inspector of Kuala Lumpur and Sungai Buloh (is this where your current factory that you opened with our money located?)

Baskaran, there are some very cute malay girls with gorgeous ass (not as beautiful as mine though) is sitting in front of me, want to come over to see? You have scarred me so much that I AM now constantly checking out women’s ASS comparing theirs to mine. How you could you have done this to me Baskaran? How can I heal? Must I see more asses to heal? Someone please advise me! Friends, Baskarans favorite thing about a women is her ass – not her intellectuality, emotions or her humour – can you not see how much my soul has suffered. Shall I hit him with a chair? Please advise. I would like to say ………….what? ….please advice Ms. Wani of the STAR?

Anyway back to the weekend I spent with Kazushi at Kuantan… I have not completed it. Actually Parames and I went to a meeting with re: time sharing holiday apartments. That boy need a hit on the head as he actually went there to buy it with his meager salary. That’s why I mean women think more clearly than man. Sharon, we should have been lovers instead of best friends. I think that Baskaran thought that we were lovers, that’s why he was so jealous of you. Sharon Hariharan and I were best buddies since the year (I am thinking….) 1988 – 2000 – a long/beautiful/traumatic/lost/found/bad/good/wild/abusive/adventurous/amazing/lovely/ equal/unequal time for us. There’s more but this chapter in my life requires another book of writing but I will try in a chapter later. Thank you very much to Sharon for all the time we had on men. Oh! My! GOD! People are going to think that we had a threesome or orgy? Hold your suppressed thoughts. I was a normal, natural, heterosexual Indian women who had only I fantasy for 2 consecutive days…what about you Sharon? Check out my suppressed thoughts here…….a voice in my head just told me not write anymore about my suppressed thoughts…do I care? People must know all the shit that goes on in an enlightened womens mind?! Stay with me please….Why am I enlightened? Why? Because I can observe my thoughts and don’t get identified with it! Read ‘Awareness’ by Osho.

“EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY BUT NONE OURSELVES CAN FREE OUR MIND (if YOU want to know about ourselves..ask me…if I am in a good mood, I will explain otherwise I am going to ask you money to teach you some stuff …my ex-friend Sharon used to say ‘there’s no such thing as free lunch’….uh@ Don’t worry… I have so much of compassion that I will tell you, only if you’re interested, if not don’t waste my time) HAVE NO FEAR FOR ATOMIC ENERGY, COZ NONE OF CAN SAFE THE TIME (the last sentence is still unsure). I should go to the damn CD shop and get one to listen, Alas my disc man is in my shit smelling haunted house at PErmai Seri that belongs to bitch Catherine.

I am having such a good time laughing today. DO YOU NEED A GOOD LAUGH WHEN YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING? Why don’t you read my blog every morning? My flagitious life experiences will make you laugh and unburden your suppressed desires…Hence relieve you of your burdened unconscious. Did you understand? Read paragraph above…from “there’s no such thing as free…………time”.

I need money to eat but I love writing. I would love to continue to write in a place with a window with office facilities…that’s all I am asking…perhaps you can throw in a plant or two as my companions. Please employ me to write….somebody…I am cheap (not as you think as I will not let anyone touch me ever again – dunno! I have a problem with this statement but have to be put in because my society will start lining up outside the hotel with 5cents in their wallets to fuck me. (as I speak- I have racing images of Indian men I know who are really cheap…I know what I am saying, don’t ever lie to me), simple and undemanding to anyone else but only myself. Also, I need a bed to sleep – I can manage with my current sleeping bag that I bought in 1996 but I need that little boy Pavin with me as he’s being abused by our society (cruelly). Please help us as he is my reflection.
Oopsss…. I forgot my parents…I feel very sorry for them, please arrange for some aids for them, they too are very cheap (not in your term my beloved, my own people), simple and undemanding. All they need is medical supplies, regular check-ups and food to eat as they have a house and a new bed that I bought in April 2007.

Another minor request, I need to go for a paps smear – is this how its spelt? I don’t trust Baskaran as he may have gone to bed with another female – maybe a malay girl with an ass not better than mine.

Did I tell you that I have herpes simplex virus that I think I got from Justin from England who was then working in Australia - another day-lah (its now 6.24am of the same morning as above – having a fantastic time that I can’t even move to pee – just had anyway – I walked there ok – I did not pee in my panty).

All my lovers knew about it – I mean the herpes - before we fucked but Dave…sorry Dave…I forgot to tell him…he!he! I think he’s still mad at me…by the way Dave, I heard that your wife is fat, huge and has fat ass…betulkah? I don’t care. Its just that I thought you went after tall, long legged air stewardess … was I too short for you? Was that why you were always salivating at other women? How was the fuck that you had while were dating…what’s her name…I totally forgot…it will come … maybe later

I APOLOGIZE TO ALL FAT PEOPLE OF THE EARTH INCLUDING MY MOTHER WHO IS 4’8” (maybe shorter) and weighs 75kg …I am so sorry mother…sob! I am coming home after my war is over – if ever.

I just deleted something on my dad…thank god for that (I am thanking myselves-another word to be taken seriously and coined here). I think my former Deputy Prime Minister Anuar Ibrahim will love us - he was my hero who coined new malay terms during the annual national budget readings when he was the Finance Minister then. I wonder how he is now. I am so sorry for you…I feel for you…please understand me…

Please don’t read the following chapter (actually para…now and chapter later, just need to edit) if you have a faint heart….
Sivalingam is my father…
“BASKARAN, YOU ASKED IF I HAD FANTASIZED ABOUT SIVALINGAM FUCKING MY ASS AND CUNT, HE’S SITTING NEXT TO ME, WHY DON’T YOU ASK HIM YOURSELF”…I left this voice message in baskaran’s mobile on last Sunday – what’s the date uh? Pls refer to the amaravathy-part1, titled “AMARAVATHY THE INDIAN DAUGTHER” ( …I THINK….this was one of the 10 Tamil dirty messages that I left on baskaran’s mobile when the entire clan of Balaraman/Vaithegy abandoned me, my 82-yr old dad – SIVALINGAM - and 64yr old ma while driving from Puchong Jaya to the shit smelling unit that I have at Permai Seri that belongs to the bitch Catherine. Who IS Sivalingam? He’s my father and what had Baskaran asked me? think about it? What does this say about the male mind? At least he’s the guts to open up…what goes on in your mind…have you observed? Annex 3 will not be published … why? You ask me … I ask who?

It is now 6.45 am at Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita and about 12 people are huddled in groups of 4 and 2, sipping their hot glasses of drinks, greeting the sun with muslim prayers going on at the back…this is simply DIVINE. I am enjoying myself tremendously here as I no longer fear some of the things. The prayer at the background is a great comfort at such moment, do you not see why I am sitting here…this feels like a home now.

I wanted to say ‘what a contradiction I am’ but could not because today ‘I feel whole’. The people here are very nice to me.

Did you know that I packed my bags and moved into my head on Monday morning/noon and have made house there (made myself at home)…now what is happening to my body..I think she’s in pain but today she is enjoying herself because FINALLY she is being appreciated – I WAS UNJUST TO HER DUE TO SOCIETIES CRUELTY TO HUMAN BODIES/DOGS/CATS/COCKROACHES (these need to be killed whether I am enlightened or not) … anyway she’s tired but happy.

Is there anyway we can work and at the same time rest? Can…if you are doing something that you please…as I am doing right now…your body cooperates and takes very minimal rest – there must be a way to rest the body and work at the same time…I can if I have a window seat and an office to write these amidst my 2 plants as my companions. You know why I need 2 plants – my body takes energy from trees/plants/animals to sustain my energetic phase… can I also have a cat…he!he!he!

This is the first time I am enjoying myself since I don’t’ know when…yea…someone just reminded me…it was when I was dancing along the streets of Bangsar alone and unaware of men salivating over me (now I know because someone just told me) to a tune played by one of the shopping mall PA system and eating a piece of chocolate, looking at a beautiful crescent on my roof – the sky and all the beautiful faces and bodies of men and women…there are some good looking people at Bangsar. I was running away from my own voices that were urging me to go home and hit Baskaran with a shoe/chair/don’t know what/bare hands/etc…which I finally did after 18 hrs. Do you want to know what I did?

Battery dying – just fixed my adapter – still beeping away – probably afraid as I was about what I am writing…what am I saying…OSHO …

I don’t know what I am saying but just going with the FLOW as my former guru Mr. Subramaniam (what is your sir name SIR) mentions during his 7-Day Transformational Journey Program (&-DTJ Program). Guruveh Sharanam = Surrender to Guru!

I am not going to reread this document until it goes on air because I might accidentally delete it as I did with my articles on Danes and ME! this morning.

IT’S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING AT RESTORAN NASI KANDAR PELITA AT KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA AND AMARAVATHY3 OSHO’S LOVER HAS JUST BEEN CREATED AND COMPLETED…more to come….this is just the tip of the iceberg…I am going to take the world by the storm and reveal the way the human mind works…I have observed (ask me about Mr. Abernathy) its beautiful…the human mind is beautiful…its not hell as you think…are you ready for this, WORLD. Are you ready for a revolution? All the World is My Home and All Humans are My Siblings…brothers and sisters … you can’t run away from me as I am coming after you with knives and daggers…r u ready for us! I have a running nose as I say this…where is the damn tissue…did I leave it in the toilet just now…. Bye.

Anyway do you not agree that this is the way life should be led…with a blast …with no FUCK FOR NOBODY! I can actually see the globe from the satellite that we’re building (is it completed – is it obvious to our naked eyes in the Western night sky?) giving a shake and waking up like the sleeping lion that we have been.

i love myself…just realized that I need a pair of glasses …long distance vision is affected..baskaran, return my glasses and I can safe that money of the public fund for other purpose…also I need a new adapter for my notebook…she’s in pain…my OSHO is in pain…please help!

Unabridged version of my dark side…please help me understand myselves better…somebody out there…

Post script – Kazu, I am sorry, please message me … am at +012-292 0107…I am sorry for the way we ended…I’ve paid the price.

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